Warehouse Charging Communication


Dear Client,


We have been reviewing our working practices in our warehouse and would like to take this opportunity to outline our charging policy with regards to receiving and handling goods on your behalf.

As you are aware, we seek to optimise the efficiency of our operations to keep our labour charges as low as possible to provide you with high quality service at a reasonable price.

Our efficiency relies upon reducing the number of times we administer records to a minimum - and this requires timely and accurate information.

At a fundamental level, our charges are based upon the time it takes our warehouse staff to process your goods, and there are two drivers to the time component – namely being pre-advised in a timely manner of the delivery and its contents, and then what level of processing service you wish us to undertake on your goods.

With that in mind – the following guidelines apply for the three areas where we handle your goods.



Delivery Receipt

We receive a high volume of daily deliveries and to process these quickly and efficiently, we match these to the corresponding originating purchase orders.


Where deliveries are received without any pre-advice, our warehouse staff will create a temporary holding record to process the receipt, and this will be chargeable at XXXX

Where you pre-advise us of the delivery and its contents, our production administration department we will create a matching PO record to allow our warehouse staff to efficiently process the receipt. There is an administration charge for this of YYYY

Looking to the future, in 2024 we will be re-writing our internal software and will add functionality to our customer portal to allow you to directly enter details of your 3rd party purchase orders which will feed directly into our system – and thus negate any administration charges levied when TOT manually creates these records.

In the interim we would urge you to help us help you keep charges to a minimum by pre-advising deliveries so that we can create the necessary records in a timely manner.



Processing Your Delivered Goods

The charges for Handling your received goods are driven by the processing service you require from us.

The most basic service is to hold the goods as outers. No content checking or SKU booking in occurs.

The next tier of service is for us to confidence count the goods, and book into stock, allowing you to see the lines and quantities alongside the rest of your inventory in our customer portal.

The premier service offered is for us to piece count the items, reconcile the physical items versus supplier information, take images of each line, organise the stock by lines, optimise for picking and book into stock.

Handling Costs are based on the time taken to undertake the service required.

Again, please help us to help you by advising how you wish us to process your received goods.


Sending Out Your Received Goods

Where your goods will be despatched within days – please advise us of this / create a reseller order so that our warehouse staff can see this in and out flow and process accordingly.

In terms of processing costs, where received goods will be sent out in a single pre-advised despatch, this is the fastest and thus cheapest processing route as we can process the items for despatch at the point of receipt and thus keep costs to a minimum.

Where the despatch requirements are more complicated – i.e. splits to multiple locations, and/or combining with other items either held in stock or being manufactured, the time taken to administer this and thus the processing costs increase.


I hope this clarifies our charging policy, but should you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.


Yours Faithfully


Visual Representation