Customer Art Interaction


Activity (Initiating Entity) Data Content Essential Notes:-

Interrogate Art Requirement (TOT)

Art staff interrogate the Art Requirement record  to determine what needs to be done Yes  

Supply Artwork Assets (Client)

Before Art staff can begin work on an Art Requirement - they require the source assets to process
This can be provided in a number of ways
Transfer Service
Regardless of the service the source assets needs to contain information
The imagery files
Order reference information
Company Information
Contact information
Store source Artwork (TOT) TOT store the source assets against the design id in one or more design files record  (object) Yes  
Once Artwork is received, the Artwork received status flag is seton the art requirement record Yes  
Creation of Visuals (TOT) TOT staff create a set of visuals for the artwork requirement- so insert files into the visual placement and visual main container on the art requirement record Yes  
Staff also set the visual creation status for the record as completed Yes  
As part of this process - art staff will create and populate charges on the Art Required record Yes  
Supply of visuals for approval (TOT) This can be done manually via email or automatically exposed via the portal
In addition staff can send an email to the client requesting that they logon to cport to approve visuals
In both cases, the following data is communicated
Design ID
Associated Process Line information
Colour Visual Main
Colour Visual Placement
Art Costs
Approval of Visuals (client) Client can automatically approve the visuals in cport - which will set the visual approval status of the corresponding design ID/process record to approved
Audit log stores
approval person
approval time/date
Alternatively if client approves  visuals via email art staff set the same visual approval status of the corresponding design ID/process record to approved
Audit log stores
approval person
approval time/date
Unapproved Visuals (client) Client can automatically un-approve the visuals in cport -
This  set the visual approval status of the corresponding design ID/process record to un-approved
Additionally in the portal client can supply unapproval comments which are stored on the art requirement record
Audit log stores
un-approval person
un-approval time/date
unapproval comments
Alternatively if client can unapprove via email  - and the response is manually recorded against the requirement by setting the visuals approval flag > unapproved Yes  
Creation of Artwork Production files (TOT) Art staff create the necessary production ready artwork once visuals are approved
These files are then stored as design files and also on internal servers for screen room to access
Statuses ?
Population  of Tech specs (TOT)

Art Staff populate any Technical spec data for process lines which require artwork

Statuses ?