Field | Notes |
Supplier Company | |
Supplier Contact | |
Owner Company | |
Owner Conact | |
Delivery Company | |
Delivey Contact | |
Delivery Address | |
Order reference (Internal) | |
Owner Order refererence | for contract stock coming from customer |
Supplier reference | |
Date Ordered | |
Date Expected | |
Order Requirement |
The content of the order |
Supplier Identifier |
Internal Sku identifier |
Owner Co |
Item description |
Item Type |
Order Qty |
Unit Cost |
Total Cost |
Qty received |
Quantity Cancelled |
Qty OS |
Originating Order (s) | association to job orders that the garment requirement order
originates from.
Note there can be multiple job orders associated to a single Supplier order as well as requirements from a single job order creating multiple supplier orders |