Assessing Fulfilments

  1. Identify the set of fulfilments that can be picked.

    1. Use the Can pick filters to return the record set.
      See understanding Fulfilment Filters for supplemental information as to how these filters work.

  2. Review the fulfilment records to get a reasonable estimate of the effort and skillset required and the optimal picking method to use.

  3. Estimating this requires experience and training - and you will learn through the process of doing. However, some key things to consider are:-

    1. Storage Location Height - if stock required is in bays that require forklift / flexi platform access -these need qualified staff to access.

    2. Number of physical locations required items are in - if all the stock is in a single location, there is less moving between locations needed.

    3. Whether the location contains only the stock for the fulfilment - if it does, then the whole location can be quickly relocated locally.

    1. Whether several fulfilments can be satisfied from the location(s) - if so then these fulfilments should be grouped together for physical picking.

    2. Physical quantity / size of items - larger items in higher numbers take more effort to physically move.

  4. Update the fulfilments in strokeone to reflect the required picking approach.

  5. Where fulfilments are to be grouped for picking purposes - allocate them to the same picking person.

  6. Use the weight field to record the required approach - using the following naming convention.

    1. Reloc All: Where the whole location contents can be relocated to satisfy a fulfilment.

    2. Omit  & Reloc - Where you can omit one or more skus and relocate the rest of the whole location.

    3. Smart: where the recommendation is to use smart relocate.

    4. Pick by Loc - where the user should pick by location.

    5. Flexi - where the stock requires high level access to retrieve.

  7. Where the fulfilments should be picked together - suffix the pick method  with the same numeric.
    For example:-

    Fulfilment Description Picked by Field
    67891 Pulp ROS Reloc All
    67892 EJOC ROS Omit & Reloc
    67893 Jeff Dun ROS Reloc All : 1
    67894 Garbage ROS Reloc All : 1
    67895 Lovely eggs ROS Reloc All : 1
    67896 Blur ROS Smart 1
    67897 Morrissey ROS Smart 1
    67898 Swag ROS Smart 1
    67899 Blah ROS Smart 1
    67900 Tortoise ROS Smart 2
    67901 Billy ROS Smart 2
    67902 Muck ROS Smart 2
    67903 Skip ROS Pick by Loc


    EMF ROS Flexi



  1. Remember that the availability of stock for fulfilments changes throughout the shift - so assessing fulfilments for picking should be done frequently

  2. Additionally, review fulfilments for future dates that can be picked  - wherever possible these should be assessed and picked to pro-actively manage workload