Boxing Up and Assembling Fulfilments: Desktop
- Open Fulfilment Layout and
click Find My Packing
in the footer

- Sort the records by Date Required.
You will now have a date sorted list of fulfilments assigned
to you that are ready for, packing.

- Select a fulfilment to
assemble and pack.
Note current time
Obtain enough suitable sized
boxes for boxing up the fulfilment.
Physically box up
the fulfilment, and either:-
- Print out and annotate picking
sheet or
- annotate the box flap(s)
with sizes / qty placed
in each box. Do not seal
boxes yet.
- Pick By Location to administer
the picks - remember you are picking
from the temporary location
now local to
you. The quantities pre-picked should match what is required.
- Electronically, record
the boxes and their contents.
Click Details then Fulfilment
Labels Tab for box end labels generator form.
- Undertake "check
and balance" review (i.e. To
be Given qty
= In boxes Qty) then Print

- As a belt and braces check - compare
the SKUs / Qtys for each printed label to the corresponding
annotated size /qty markups
you made on the box flap(s /picking sheet) - they
should match.
- Remove / Obscure all old
labels on all boxes - there
should be no legacy barcodes / referencing on any box which
could cause errors and confusions.
- Attach the box end label(s)
to their corresponding physical box. The
box end label should now be the *only* label on the box.
- Physically seal the boxes
- Note total time taken.
- If Picking Charge Field ticked ? If
Yes - Add a "Packing" type Charge for the total time
taken for your

Note: The
minimum charge for Packing is a duration of 5 mins, and then 5 minute
increments thereafter. For example, if your pack took 8 minutes, record
10 minutes.
- Print out Packing Note(s) .Place
in documents enclosed adhesive wallet.
- Identify
a suitably sized physical
location to accommodate
the assembled fulfilment.
- Physically place the fulfilment
into the identified location.
- Click the Picked Stock
button (1) and Move (2) current temp
location record to physical bay location. If placing in multiple locations,
add location (3) as necessary

Important: Wait for the record to update with
the storage location you selected/scanned - Check
you did not scan an adjacent location by mistake !
- Click (F) on the record to mark it as
Ready to Despatch.