Boxing Up and Assembling Fulfilments: Desktop

  1. Open Fulfilment Layout and click Find My Packing in the footer

  2. Sort the records by Date Required. You will now have a date sorted list of  fulfilments assigned to you that are ready for, packing.

  1. Select a fulfilment  to assemble and pack.
  2. Note current time

  3. Obtain enough suitable sized boxes for boxing up the fulfilment.

  4. Physically box up the fulfilment, and either:-

    1. Print out and annotate picking sheet or
    2. annotate the box flap(s)

      sizes / qty placed in each box. Do not seal boxes yet.
  1. Pick By Location to administer the picks - remember you are picking  from the temporary location now local to you. The quantities pre-picked should match what is required.
  2. Electronically, record the boxes and their contents. Click Details then Fulfilment Labels Tab for box end labels generator form.
  3. Undertake "check and balance" review (i.e. To be Given qty =  In boxes Qty) then Print Label.

  4. As a belt and braces check - compare the SKUs / Qtys for each printed label to the corresponding annotated size /qty markups you made on the box flap(s /picking sheet) - they should match.
  5. Remove / Obscure all old labels on all boxes - there should be no legacy barcodes / referencing on any box which could cause errors and confusions.
  6. Attach the box end label(s)  to their corresponding physical box. The box end label should now be the *only* label on the box.
  7. Physically seal the boxes
  8. Note total time taken. 
  9. If Picking Charge Field ticked ?  If Yes - Add a "Packing" type Charge for the  total time taken for your administration

    Note: The minimum charge for Packing is a duration of 5 mins, and then 5 minute increments thereafter. For example, if your pack took 8 minutes, record 10 minutes.
  10. Print out Packing Note(s) .Place in documents enclosed adhesive wallet.
  11. Identify a suitably sized physical location to accommodate the assembled fulfilment.
  1. Physically place the fulfilment into the identified location.
  2. Click the Picked Stock Location button (1) and Move (2) current temp location record to physical bay location. If placing in multiple locations, add location (3) as necessary

Important: Wait for the record to update with the storage location you selected/scanned - Check you did not scan an adjacent location by mistake !

  1. Click (F)  on the record to mark it as Ready to Despatch.