Dealing with Stock Balance Post Fulfilment Picking

Stage One: Dealing with any Post Pick Balances

Depending on the method you employed to pick - you may have stock balance - i.e., if you relocated a location's whole SKU contents to pick locally and the pick requirement was less than you relocated.

If so, then you will need to process the balance physically and electronically.

Important: If relocated a locations content to your work area to process picks - you will have also electronically relocated the contents to a temporary (perhaps trolley) location
Ensure you have done this / understand this before proceeding on this stage.

  1. Count / Stock Check the physical garments.
  2. Consolidate by Solid Style / Colour / size / garment type.
  3.  Box Up as required and generate and attach new Box End labels.
  4. Identify a suitably sized physical location to relocate the stock into.

Note: This does not have to be the location you originally took stock from. The driving protocol here is a suitably sized location for the dimensions / mass of what you are putting back.

  1. Physically place the boxed-up stock into the location.
  2. Electronically relocate the stock from your temporary location into the new physical location record.