Boxing Up and Assembling Fulfilments

  1. Select the fulfilment in Ready to Pack Area.
  2. On the strokeone record - Enter your name in Packed By field.
  3. Obtain enough suitable sized boxes for boxing up the fulfilment.
  4. Physically locate the fulfilment to your work area.
  5. Physically box up the fulfilment, and either:-
    1. Print out and annotate picking sheet or
    2. annotate the box flap(s)

      sizes / qty placed in each box. Do not seal boxes yet.
  6. Pick By Location to electronically administer the picks - remember you are picking the fulfilment from the temporary location not warehouse locations.
  7. Electronically, record the boxes and their contents in the Fulfilment Labels box end generator form and select Print Label.
  8. As a belt and braces check - compare the SKUs / Qtys for each printed label to the corresponding annotated size /qty markups you made on the box flap(s /picking sheet) - they should match.
  9. Physically seal the boxes. Remove / Obscure all old labels on the boxes - there should be no legacy barcodes / referencing on the box which could cause errors and confusions.
  10. Attach the box end label(s) you created to their corresponding physical box. The box end label should now be the *only* label on the box.
  11. Add/Update Handling charges if they are warranted - But *Do not* finalise the charges for Invoicing.

Important: TOT charges a minimum of 15 mins if items are picked from stock. Use the following rules to record charges.
- If a Handling Charge exists and is under 15 mins, and your administration was quick - update the time taken to 15 mins.
-  In other cases - you should update the existing charges up by 15 minute increments to include the time you spent administering it.

  1. From the Strokeone Fulfilment Layout - Print out Packing Note(s) and place in documents enclosed adhesive wallet.
  2.  Place the Packing Note in the documents wallet and physically attach to the assembled boxed up Fulfilment in an easy to view frontward facing position.
  3. You will now have one or more boxes each with a box end label, and additionally a documents folder containing the packing note stuck to one box. This constitutes the fulfilment.
  4. Identify a suitably sized physical location to accommodate the assembled fulfilment.

Important: Stock Locations should be efficiently used - if you are unsure what this means, ensure you ask your manager.

  1. Physically place the fulfilment into the identified location.
  2. Now, electronically locate the fulfilment. Ipad> Picking > Find Fulfilment button > Scan the Fulfilment Identifier Barcode Label then Scan the physical Location Barcode.

Important: Wait for the record to update with the storage location you scanned - Check you did not scan an adjacent location by mistake !

  1. Click Finish for the record to mark it as Ready to Despatch.