Purchase Orders have a colour coded status light that indicates the current state of the order
The are outlined below
Colour |
Comment |
Red |
The purchase order has been created but not sent |
Purple | The order has been sent (or marked as sent). In addition when a record is updated to this status, items ordered on the order set the corresponding Expected Quantity numbers. Order details cannot be changed at this point. |
Yellow | Once or more deliveries has been received. |
Pink | Where an unadvised (i.e. TOT has not
been informed ahead of time) delivery is received by TOT
- there will almost certainly not
be an matching
internal PO record. When this occurs - a simplified PO record is created (without purchase order lines) in a Pink Status Purchase orders created in this way are never set as marked as sent and are updated to complete when the actual physical items received are added to the purchase lines section and booked in - at which point it is updated to Green/Completed.
** see below
Amber | Part but not all of the order has been booked in |
Green | All items on the order have been booked
The order is fully completed. |
** Enhancement
Develop functionality for acknowledgement process that offers clients a choice of checking in services and moreover captures their choice electronically into actionable status / workflow - See Acknowledge Receipt of Decorarted Consignments for functionality brief