Stock Checking : Bullet Points


  1. Identify Locations to check
  2. Ipad: All items in location. Sanity Check the 4 portals. If OK, Stock Check button , goes to stock check layout.
  3.  Stock Check Layout - Sort by location header.
  4. Local or remote check ?
    1. Locally: Location: Reset Check.
    2. Remotely: Move Foundset to temp location: then Location: Reset Check.
  5. Reconcile SKU's  Physical to Electronic.
  6. Update SKU check status
  7. Location Values ?
  8. SKU Images?
  9. Where possible / practical, condense, consolidate by artist, re-box and relabel.


Finalising & Status Updates

For Local Checking

  1. Click Finish Location Check button. - Sets Checked Date and Checked By

For Remote Checking

  1. locate an appropriate storage space
  2. If location contains items - sanity check box end labels vs. electronic records.
  3. Move reconciled foundset  to bone fide location.
  4. Click Finish Location Check button. - Sets Checked Date and Checked By.