Customer Portal

High Level Functions

  1. Notify external clients of urgent items that require their attention - and allow the user to process these
    1. Art Visuals that require approval
    2. Job Orders placed without any delivery instructions
    3. 3rd Party placed Purchase orders that are outstanding
    4. Job Orders placed without any received artwork  
  2. Allow external clients to enquire on the status / progress of their:-
    1. Job Orders
    2. Deliveries
    3. Account status / Invoices
    4. Inventory
    5. Purchase Orders
  3. Provide external clients with the ability to see and approve colour visuals created for them in respect of artwork
  4. Provide clients with the ability to place re-seller orders (delivery requirements) against inventory holdings
  5. Allow clients to see their current price card
  6. Allow clients to reset their portal password.
  7. Allow TOT to push important banner / stop press / headline information to external clients




TOT Internal System

  • Job Order Information

  • Delivery Information

  • Inventory Information

  • Art Information

  • Purchase Order Information

  • Invoice / Finance Information

  • Customer authorisation

  • Banner / Headline Information

External Users

  • Enquiries

  • Re-seller Orders

  • Delivery Instructions

  • Art Approvals





TOT Internal System

  • Re-seller Orders

  • Delivery Instructions

  • Art Approvals

External Users

  • Job Order Progress  and Reports

  • Delivery Status & Tracking Data

  • Inventory Data - holdings; available, expected qtys and item pictures

  • Re seller Orders.

  • Financial Summary Data

  • Invoice Reports

  • Art Imagery: both approved and awaiting approval

  • Purchase Order Information

  • Price Data


Current Functions / Feature Sets

The Customer Portal (Cport) is organised into the following main pages and feature sets



Data Exposed



Open Job Orders with  no delivery instructions

Client can process record as follows

  • Acknowledge no delivery required

  • Provide delivery details for some/all of job order

  • Combine some/all goods on multiple jobs and place delivery requirement

Open Job orders with colour visuals awaiting approval

Client can process record as follows

  • Approve Colour Visual

  • Reject Colour Visual

  • generate email for 3rd party approval

Open Job orders where client artwork assets not received

Data exposure Only  - client to action

3rd Party client placed purchase orders not fully delivered

Data exposure Only  - client to action

Display Stop Press / banner information


Job Progress

Job Order Data

[Status, Date Req, Order Id, Client contact; Client Ref]

Process Line Data

[Status, Process Line, Position, Process Date, Qty, Unit Price, Image]

Art Cost Data

[Description, Qty, Unit Price, Total Price]

Blank Garment Data

[Description, Qty, Unit Price, Total Price]

Printed Garment Data

[Description, Expect Qty, Produced Qty]]

Deliveries Out Data

 - identical data to the Deliveries Out Page


Deliveries Out

General Delivery Data

Delivery Status [Picked, Ready, Sent]; Delivery Date; Sent Date; Delivery Id; Venue; Description, Contact; Client ref; Tracking Information


Delivery Detail Drill Down

Delivery Lines Data

[Description, Qty]


Delivery Note PDF

[Delivery Note for order]


Packing Note PDF

[Breakdown of delivery contents by container number]



[Cost Type; Description, Price]



[Image of courier signature; Qty boxes; Courier Name; Timestamp; Name of Courier Worker]


Your Decorated Stock

View Client Inventory data

[SKU ref; client sku ref; description; warehouse balance; expected qty; accounted for qty; available to order qty; picture of item]


Ability to place re-seller order

  • Ability to create one or more baskets

  • Ability to add SKU's by available Qty to basket

  • Ability to define delivery address and notes

  • Ability to place re-seller order for items in basket

  • Ability to retain / save basket

  • Ability to edit existing basket

  • Ability to delete existing basket


3rd Party functionality

[If enabled]


  • Ability to allocate by SKU re-seller ordering to a third party

  • Ability to un-allocate by SKU re-seller ordering from a third party

Our Blank Stock

View TOT Inventory data

[SKU ref; client sku ref; description; warehouse balance; expected qty; accounted for qty; available to order qty]



Displays the current rate card that has been associated to the client



View Financial Summary Data

[Current Balance; >90 Days balance; >60 days; >30 days)

Download Statement as PDF/CSV


View Invoice Records

[Paid Status; Invoice identifier; Date; Client PO ref; Job Name; Total Amount, Paid Amount, Outstanding Amount]

Download Invoice as PDF

Awaiting Art

Displays job orders placed  which have decorating processes requiring Artwork where artwork is outstanding

[Art to be done date; Description; Design Id; Art received status]

Data exposure Only  - client to action


Displays Colour Visuals created for Artwork Requirements

[Visual status; design id; job number; category; description; designer; customer contact]


Detail drill-down

[Main Image; Placement Image; Art Charges {description, qty, unit price; total}]


Allows updating of visuals awaiting approval

  • Ability to approve visuals and cost

  • Ability to un-approve visuals and cost

    • provide reason for non-approval

  • Ability to delegate visual approval

    • generates an approval link

  • Ability to add SKU's by available Qty to basket

  • Ability to define delivery address and

Purchase Orders

Displays Customer Purchase Orders

[Status, date ordered, TOT ref, client ref, category, type, supplier]


Detail drill-down


PO Content

Status, sku, description, qtys ordered, rec'd, cancelled, outstanding]


Deliveries Made

[date rec, signed by, date checked, check category, check by, #outers, handling cost, uploaded checking images]



displays user login

  • Ability to change password

3rd Party user management

[If enabled]

  • Ability to create a client 3rd party user

  • Ability to revoke access for client 3rd party user