Decorated Department

High Level Activities / Processing

  1. Process incoming decorated deliveries:
    1. Communicate receipt confirmation to client
    2. Two pathways:-
      1. Simple: consignment contains sufficient information for TOT to process
      2. Complex: Instructions required from client as to what level of processing the consignment requires
  2. Process Awaiting Checking consignments (assumption is client will have provided instructions for complex cases) according to client instructions / service level
  3. For As Is Homogenised level
    1. Retrieve consignment paperwork
    2. Take Picture of consignment
    3. Create a single SKU for consignment; record details and date received
    4. Book In consignment as single SKU
    5. Check if any fulfilments - if so process picks
    6. Deal with residual balance
    7. Record charges in Handling Costs
    8. Locate Consignment into temporary location / put away
    9. Email client checked in items; booked in figures and charges

  4. For Use Customer numbers & organise and Full Count & organise service levels
    1. Retrieve consignment paperwork
    2. Separate and Consolidate by SKU
    3. Organise by SKU
    4. Confidence Count and Record QTys (Full Count & organise service level only)
    5. Check if SKU(s) exist - create if necessary
    6. Check if SKU(s) family photo's exist - take pics f necessary
    7. Book in Per Customer Numbers (Customer numbers & organise service level)
    8. Book in Per Confidence Count and upload pic of checking template (Full Count & organise service level )
    9. Check if any fulfilments - if so process picks
    10. Deal with residual balance; Box up in organised manner; create box end labels with QTYs
    11. Record charges in Handling Costs
    12. Locate Consignment into temporary location / put away
    13. Email client checked in items; booked in figures and charges




Goods In

Cross Referenced Decorated Items


Confirmation of Processing service required

Static Data

Processing Service charges

Production System

Notification of Despatch Requirements for decorated items






Acknowledgement of Receipt of decorated goods


Cost Estimates for Consignment Processing services


Booked in stock


Despatch requirements from decorated items


Confirmation of consignment processing


New SKU records

Booked in decorated stock

Purchase Order records

Handling Charges


Handling / PO charges


Current Processing Flow

Process incoming decorated deliveries:


Processing Incoming Deliveries can be summarised into the following stages / steps



Accept Deliveries

  • Unload Delivery

  • Count Outers

  • Check Courier Details

  • If discrepancies, note this

  • Sign Off Courier Record

  • Relocate Outers

Note: this stage may be performed by Goods In

Cross Referencing

  • Pick a consignment

  • Locate Delivery Paperwork (create temporary paperwork if necessary)

  • Locate matching internal PO record ( if no internal record, create one and mark as quarantined) )

  • Update PO  record with Delivery Information: No'#Outers; Location; Signed for and Timestamp; Upload picture of paperwork

  • Generate X-Reference Labels - attach one to paperwork; one to outer

Note: this stage may be performed by Goods In

Inspect Content / Generate Estimate

  • Retrieve Physical consignment

  • Using combination of [any] received paperwork; existing level of consignment organisation; quantity of items; experience generate an estimate of how long it would take for differing booking in services

1. Process as is – Book In homogenised SKU

2. Work off Client Numbers; organise as needed Book in

3. Independent full Count; Organisation; Consolidation and Booking In

  • Communicate confirmation of receipt of decorated goods to client [email]

    • For non-simple deliveries - request processing instructions from client.

  • Locate consignment in holding location

Processing Per client choice

Service 1: Process as is – Book In homogenised SKU

  • Take Consignment Paperwork

  • Take picture of consignment

  • Create single SKU [Include details and date received

  • Book into inventory as Qty 1 of single SKU

  • Check if any potential fulfilments (i.e. allocations against the decorated SKU

  • If so, process the fulfilment pick requirements and pass these to despatch

  • Deal with any residual balances

  • Record Charges in PO Handling Costs

  • Locate Consignment into Location Bay(s)

  • Email client checked in confirmation including Handling costs


Service 2 Process Using Customer Numbers

  • Take Consignment Paperwork

  • Separate consignment and consolidate by SKU

  • Organise the consignment by SKU

  • Establish if SKU record(s) exist internally for Customer's goods - if not Create new SKU(s)

  • Establish if SKU photos exist for Customer's goods - if not take picture and upload as family image to internal SKU records

  • Book items in using individual customer supplied numbers

  • Check if any potential fulfilments (i.e. allocations against the decorated SKUs

  • If so, process the fulfilment pick requirements and pass these to despatch

  • Deal with any residual balances

  • Box up the items in an organised manner:-

    • Check Box capacity for SKU types

    • Populate the box capacity for SKU if not populated

  • Record Charges in PO Handling Costs

  • Locate Consignment into Location Bay(s)

  • Email client checked in confirmation including Handling costs


Service 3 Process Using TOT Full count and organise

  • Take Consignment Paperwork

  • Separate consignment and consolidate by SKU

  • Obtain Checking Template

  • Confidence Count / Populate the template

  • Establish if SKU record(s) exist internally for Customer's goods - if not Create new SKU(s)

  • Establish if SKU photos exist for Customer's goods - if not take picture and upload as family image to internal SKU records

  • Book items in using full confidence count numbers

  • Upload pic of confidence count template

  • Book items in using individual customer supplied numbers

  • Check if any potential fulfilments (i.e. allocations against the decorated SKUs

  • If so, process the fulfilment pick requirements and pass these to despatch

  • Deal with any residual balances

  • Box up the items in an organised manner:-

    • Check Box capacity for SKu types

    • Populate the box capacity for SKU if not populated

  • Record Charges in PO Handling Costs

  • Locate Consignment into Location Bay(s)

  • Email client checked in confirmation including Handling costs


Schematic for this workflow is found here as part one and two - and the steps that are followed to check for / process received decorated that are due to be despatched are outlined here