Accept Deliveries
Organising Consignments
Separate outers into single separated Consignments
Identify if any blank stock consignments are eligible for Fast Tracking
If so - go to fast track stage ; if not proceed to Cross Referencing
Fast Tracking
Locate matching internal PO record
Update PO record with Delivery Information: No'#Outers; Location; Signed for and Timestamp; Upload picture of paperwork as pre-check
If client owned, send owner received email
Proceed to Ready To Check stage
Cross Referencing
Pick a consignment
Locate Delivery Paperwork (create temporary paperwork if necessary)
Locate matching internal PO record ( if no internal record, create one and mark as quarantined) )
Update PO record with Delivery Information: No'#Outers; Location; Signed for and Timestamp; Upload picture of paperwork as pre-check
If client owned, send owner received email; If TOT department ordered, send internal received email
Generate X-Reference Labels - attach one to paperwork; one to outer
Determine Processing Department for Delivery
Each delivery should now be matched to PO record that establishes the type of goods
The differing deliveries are "routed for processing" as follows
Blank Stock is processed by the Goods In Department
Decorated items are the responsibility of the Decorated Department
Screens are responsibility of the Decorated Department
Consumables / Peripherals are the responsibility of the ordering department
Any Other / Miscellaneous goods are the responsibility of the ordering department
The rest of the working practice steps below refer to the Goods In department processing Blank Goods
The above acknowledgement / routing steps of the workflow can be shown schematically
Prioritising Consignments for Checking
Find record set of PO's awaiting checking
Organise record-set by Type
Assign Priorities to records
Assign checking responsibility to staff members
Ready to Check
Select highest priority record
Retrieve consignment from location
Open consignment and organise delivered stock by brand/type/style/colour size
Confidence count stock
Update Paperwork with count results; upload pic of paperwork as post check on PO Record
For decorated items upload a family image of the item(s)
Ensure Delivered items reconcile to PO
Determine where the delivery content is to be routed
Repeat until all ready to check consignments checked
Processing PO to Job
Identify consignment that is required by a job order
Determine if job is already fully picked - if not, proceed to next bullet; if fully picked; book the items into stock and locate
Determine if received items are sufficient to cover job requirement
If sufficient for Job:-
Pick all for job and box up; Update PO record as picked for job
Generate Labels - attach to boxes
Relocate boxed items and record picked location
If not sufficient for Job:-
Partial Pick job and box up; Update PO record as partially picked for job
Generate Labels - attach to boxes
Relocate boxed items and record picked location
Determine where outstanding Stock on PO is
Investigate / Action as required
if any surplus book surplus items into stock and locate
Record any Handling Charges
Send confirmed check email
Processing PO to Fulfilment
Identify consignment that is required by a fulfilment
Determine if fulfilment is already fully picked - if not, proceed to next bullet; if fully picked; book the items into stock and locate
Determine if received items are sufficient to cover fulfilment requirement
If sufficient for fulfilment:-
Pick all for fulfilment and box up; Update PO record as picked for fulfilment
Generate Labels - attach to boxes
Relocate boxed items and record picked locatio
If not sufficient for fulfilment:-
Partial Pick fulfilment and box up; Update PO record as partially picked for job
Generate Labels - attach to boxes
Relocate boxed items and record picked location
Determine where outstanding Stock on PO is
Investigate / Action as required
if any surplus book surplus items into stock and locate
Record any Handling Charges
Send confirmed check email
Processing PO to Stock
Identify current locations / assess for space capacity
Book SKU's into stock in location
Record any Handling Charges
If PO record now fully delivered it is closed
Send confirmed check email
If items still open on PO;
Investigating Quarantined Deliveries
The stages to the workflow to support Off the shelf webstores can be summarised as follows
1) Selecting and Retrieving Location for Checking
Identify a Location to Stock Check
Visit Location and scan location barcode to create record-set of location contents
Update record-set to move location > Pending Client Sort
Physically relocate location contents to Pending Client Sort
2) Separate Retrieved location contents to individual client level
Visit the Pending Client Sort Pallet
Physically separate the containers by owner /client
For larger clients:-
For smaller clients:-
Find the record-set for location Pending Client Sort ; Identify the Owners for the found-set and sort records by owners field
Update the location field for each record to its corresponding ""Client Name" " pre-check
Prepare ""Client Name" " Post Check area
3) Stock Check Client SKUs in Client Pre-Check Locations
Select a single box from "Client Name" Pre-Checking Location and evaluate
For factory sealed single SKU boxes:-
Determine if there are more of the same SKU in other boxes
Assuming so, retrieve the boxes containing the SKU and consolidate together with boxed ones
Confidence count the loose SKU's
Scan the SKU barcode to retrieve the current recorded balance for the SKU
Ensure numbers reconcile ; adjust if necessary
Produce & Attach New barcode label for the SKU/balance
For boxes with multiple SKUs
Empty contents onto workspace; separate and consolidate by SKU
Organise into standard bundles; packs; loose
Confidence count SKU
Scan the SKU barcode to retrieve the current recorded balance for the SKU
Ensure numbers reconcile ; adjust if necessary
Produce & Attach New barcode label to garment to await reboxing
Continue until all pre-check boxes have been processed
Reboxing: Place the loose checked garments in boxes
Attach the corresponding SKU barcodes to the box
Seal the now checked boxes ready for relocation
4) Relocating Checked SKUs into Post Check
Ensure the Post Check "Client Name" location is physically empty and contains no electronic records
Select Sealed checked box from "Client Name" pre-check area
Queue Scan the box SKU barcode labels
Confirm that the SKU Qtys from the scan match the details for "Client Name" Pre-Check
Physically tick back the labels to the electronic records as a double check
Update the Foundset as Amber WIP to indicate check done
Move the foundset location to Post Check "Client Name" location
Continue processing the boxes in Pre-Check until the pallet is full
5) Relocating Post Checked Locations into Warehouse
Identify empty warehouse location; and ensure no electronic records stored against it
Physically take "Client Name" Post-Check Pallet to the identified location
Move the found-set Client Name" Post-Check (pallet) to the identified warehouse location
Sanity check the electronic records for the selected warehouse location to ensure it now contains the record-set of the checked pallet
Update the location as checked
Note: in these steps "Client Name" is a variable - and refers to the actual name of the client / owner of the stock being reconciled. For example Warners