From |
Details |
Art Department / Tech Spec |
Ink Requirements |
Suppliers |
Ink deliveries |
Manufacturer |
Specifications for ink mixing |
Print Shop |
Surplus Ink post usage |
Print Shop |
Requirement for additional Ink Quantities |
To |
Details |
Production Departments |
Ink for production processes |
Storage |
Surplus Ink Post Usage |
For each ink requirement, ink department staff interrogate the Technical spec record to establish how many separate colours of inks are required.
For each ink required, the technical spec details whether it exists - and if so its location
If the ink is in stock (i.e. it exists) it will be retrieved from its storage location and evaluated to determine if there is sufficient volume to satisfy the upcoming print job. If it is sufficient proceed to step 12
If there is insufficient volume and/or the required ink does not exist it needs to be created by mixing up base inks according to a prescribed formula
Where mix inks are required which do not exist, the ink department, they need to be created - i.e., mixed from scratch according to the prescribed formula
This process is outlined in "Satisfy Ink Requirements for production processes", steps 7 to 12
The Ink room regularly use specific inks - (whether these are mixed or the constituent base inks required in the mix formula)
For efficacy, the ink room can elect to hold a minimum level of these inks and order / create a buffer quantity above this level
To achieve this, ink staff define a minimum required level for the inks in question and monitor this level versus the physically available qty
Where the physically available level exceeds the minimum no action is required
As this "surplus" decreases, ink staff take corrective action
Raise a purchase order with the supplier
Create the ink (if applicable) from its constituent components