Production Management

High Level Activities / Processing

Schedule Management

  1. Active management of manufacturing workload and date requirements vs resource capacity
  2. Organise resources to achieve optimum production capacity
  3. Organise scheduling and resources according to priorities as well as to achieve full capacity utilisation for immediate and intermediary timelines
  4. Client Liaison & Management to ensure optimum logistical scheduling outcomes
  5. Adjustment of scheduling records to achieve capacity and utilisation aim
  6. Interrogation of schedule forecasting records to achieve even distribution of workloads
  7. Allocation of scheduled works to staff members according to proficiency levels and expectations of achieving synergies






Key order elements:-

[Date Required, No# & Type of Process(es),Garment  Qty's, No# Positions, No# Colours,]

Machine Capabilities

No# Colours supported, No# Pallets supported

Human Resources

Differing machines/tooling require differing minimum number of trained staff

Other Departments

Sufficiently trained staff can be redistributed to busier / higher priority process areas if available

Manufacturing Elements

Key input elements for manufacturing are considered in scheduling decisions:-

[stock availability, artwork, client approvals, stencil set availability]


Client requests can affect scheduling - e.g. requesting date changes





Production Departments

Process Scheduling


Order schedule details

Client Portal

Production Departments

Requests for / re-allocation of staff


Current Processing Flow

Schedule Management


  1. Production Management ascertain:-
    1. current and future scheduled processes
    2. current staffing levels and availability
    3. current machine / tooling availability
  2. With reference to machine/ tooling  parameters / applicabilities:


Max Colours

Max Pallets

Average Daily shift Output**

Optimum Application

Manual 4



~150 across 4 jobs

  • <=50 QTY

  • unusual garments (jackets, caps, ties, jogging bottoms)

  • Unusual decorating needs - transfers, hi-build etc.

  • Unusual positioning - collars, BIN, lapels etc

Manual 6



Manual 8



Manual 14



Rapid Tag



~2 to 3k  across10  jobs

  • BIN, sleeves, bags

  • 5.5 inch width sleeves

  • 9.5 inch width bags

Auto 1



~1500 across10  jobs

if single design ~3000 per shift

  • Longer straightforward runs

  • Sensitive inks

  • Greater no# colours

  • Discharge colours on dark garments

Auto 2



Auto 3



Auto 4




Auto 5 and 6



Auto 7



Auto 8



** Expected output varies significantly depending on #colours, complexity


and with reference to current staffing levels / workloads in other departments, Production Management begin the process of scheduling work.


  1. Production Management seek to achieve optimum utilisation of resource capacity versus order schedule requirements
  2. The aim is achieve maximum operational efficiency by :-
    1. Allocating workloads to the most applicable/appropriate teams (teams differ in the type and work they are most skilled/efficient in processing)
    2. Re-allocating staff as required to ensure sufficient staff for priority workloads
    3. Organising production processes to be physically / timing-wise as close together as possible
    4. Reviewing future workloads and pre-preparing / bringing forward schedules where possible / as needed to minimise downtime
    5. Reviewing future scheduled tasks to predict / prevent bottlenecks / capacity breaches
    6. Client liaison to communicate stock issues / capacity parameters
    7. Using experience, knowledge and commercial awareness.
  3. Resultant from above, Production Management Scheduling involves manipulating the process line variables
    1. Expected Date, Machine, Shift,
    2. If necessary, splitting processes across multiple schedule dates

  4. Any changes Production Management make to schedule records are available instantaneously to downstream processing department workloads


See here for workflow schematic


Complex Technical Specification Creation and Review

  1. Oversee and review Technical specifications where Art room require senior experience / knowledge
  2. Creation of complex Technical specifications that are beyond art room skill-sets and experience
  3. Independent checking of Artwork in Photoshop to ensure configured for optimal print quality





Art Room

Request for review of technical specification

Request for creation of technical specification for complex

Art Room

Created Artwork is reviewed in Photoshop for applicability / quality





Production Departments

Technical specification requirements`



Current Processing Flow

Complex Technical Specification Creation and Review


  1. Production Management are made aware of the need to review / create Technical specifications

    1. By direct notification from the Art Department

    2. Reviewing Technical Requirements in a non completed status

  2. Using experience, knowledge, previous similar jobs, Production Management populate / amend technical specification as needed

  3. Where necessary, technical specification records are marked as completed status so that they are ready for reference by downstream processes.

  4. Additionally, Production Management review Artwork files in Photoshop to ensure content is as optimised for print processing as possible

See here for workflow schematic


Manager Management

  1. Daily review of Manager's completed / non completed tasks vs deadlines
  2. Creation / Allocation of Manager Tasks as necessary
  3. Organise & Hold Meetings with Managers to discuss and optimise task performance
  4. Presentation of task completion MIS to SMG meetings





Manager Task list(s)

Contains details of

  • Manager Tasks and  completeness

  • Allocation of Manager Tasks


Managers can request  (ad hoc) Manager Review Meetings





Manager Task List

Creation of new Manager task records

Senior Management

Manger Task Completeness Metrics


Manager review meetings


Current Processing Flow

Manager Management


  1. Production  Management review the repository of tasks assigned to Managers for
    1. Task Completeness Status
    2. Completeness Date vs deadline
  2. Resultant on the above review, Production management may schedule meeting with Managers to review progress , performance, support needs etc
  3. Additionally, having reviewed tasks, production management may
    1. Create New Tasks
    2. Alter existing tasks
    3. Identify resourcing and/or training requirements
  4. Production Management also produce Management Task metrics for a given time period (# completed, # non completed etc.) that are presented in SMG Meetings.


See here for workflow schematic



Mistakes Management

  1. Create / raise mistake records as necessary
  2. Monitor and Review mistake records to ensure relevant managers have implemented any required mediating actions.
  3. Implement revised procedures where required to prevent mistake recurrence.





Customer Complaint

Investigated Customer complaint uncovers mistake

Internal Dept

Discovers / Raises Mistake

Mistakes  list(s)

 Mistakes list contains per Mistake occurrence:-

  • Originating & Reporting  Department / Person

  • Mistake details

  • Whether actioned / preventative action assigned

  • Whether reviewed





Mistakes List

  • Update records to denote reviewed

  • Direction /on / Amendment of preventative actions for mistake recurrence

Senior Management

Mistakes Metrics


Current Processing Flow

Mistakes Management


  1. Production  Management review the repository of mistakes for
    1. Quantity, Type, Origination point, Financial Impact
    2. Whether reviewed / actioned by underlying origination area Manager
    3. Existence and applicability of Manager review and action outcome to prevent recurrence
  2. Where necessary, Production Management will get involved with
    1. Amending / Recommending specific actions to prevent mistake reccurence
    2. Defining Training Requirements to prevent same
    3. Disciplinary procedures
  3. Production Management are also responsible for updating mistake records as reviewed in light of the above two dimensions. This is done by updating the mistake record(s) in question
  4. Production Management also produce Mistake summary metrics for a given time period (# occurrence, # types #reviewed @sum(cost) etc.) that are presented in SMG Meetings.


See here for workflow schematic



Training: Overseeing

  1. Review Training Task Content
  2. Create Training Tasks and content as required
  3. Create / Review Training Modules
  4. Assign training material to managers / staff as required
  5. Monitor / Review Training completeness metric
  6. Provide Training metrics to SMG meetings





Training System

  • Training Task Content

  • Training Modules

  • Assignment of Training to Staff

  • Staff Training Status





Training System

Creation of New Content

Amendment of existing content


Training Requirement(s)

Senior Managers

Training Metrics


Current Processing Flow

Overseeing Training


  1. Production  Management review the repository of training material for
    1. Existence, accuracy and completeness of training tasks
    2. Existence of training super-sets (Modules)
    3. Allocation of training requirements to staff
    4. Metrics of training requirement completeness for staff
  2. Production Management where necessary
    1. create / amend training content
    2. create/amend training modules
    3. Amend staff training allocations
    4. Encourage / manage staff training
  3. Production Management also produce Training summary metrics for a given time period that are presented in SMG Meetings.

See here for workflow schematic



Maintenance Task Management

  1. Review / Create Maintenance tasks as required
  2. Monitor task duration and frequency to
    1.  identify / anticipate and prevent future maintenance issues
    2. identify / plan for maintenance resourcing and budget
  3. Provide Maintenance Task metrics to SMG





Maintenance System

  • Maintenance Records and Schedule





Maintenance System

Creation of New Records

Review of (un/)completed records


Maintenance Manager

Maintenance Requirement(s)

Senior Managers

Maintenance Metrics

Notification of issue(s) arising from reviews of  Maintenance records


Current Processing Flow

Maintenance Task Management

  1. Production Management review the repository of Maintenance tasks for
    1. Status
    2. Completed vs Required Date
    3. Estimated vs actual duration
    4. Identification of likely issues (e.g. maintenance schedule frequency increases)  
  2. Production Management where necessary
    1. create / amend maintenance tasks
    2. Liaise with maintenance staff to ensure task completeness

  3. Prod Management use the repository to provide Maintenance Task metrics, as well as any maintenance issues / concerns to SMG

See here for workflow schematic


Miscellaneous Management / Integrity Checks

Production Management carries out a series of regular checks to ensure data completeness and integrity, operational environmental checks


Details / Purpose


To ensure that photographic  images of produced goods are contained on records and exposed to customer portal


Two checks

Quarantine (Pink) status: PO created but details regarding ownership / content and ultimate purpose / destination are unknown

Unknown amount rec'd (Yellow) QTY received does not equate to qty ordered

Screen control list

Ensure sufficient buffer of coated screens

Ensure integrity of numbers

Spot check of Screen sets vs. locations

Drier Temperature

Weekly report of drier temperature to ensure it is operating within tolerances

Ink Supply

Ensure sufficient stock / surplus of frequently used inks








Production System

Provides details of job records without associated product imagery


Production system

Provides status of PO processing

Screen Control

Production system

Stencil Inventory / usage / status Metrics

Drier temperature

production staff

Provide manual notification of drier temperature

Ink Supply

Production system

Inventory level of ink products







Production System


Customer Portal

Upload of product imagery


Production Departments / Goods In

Updates on PO records as required

Screen Control

Screen room

Production staff

Updates to stencil metrics

Drier temperature

Print Production Staff

Amendments to drier settings if required

Ink Supply

Ink Department

Instructions regarding INK inventory as required


Current Processing Flow

Miscellaneous Management / Integrity Checks

Summarised as below




Identify production orders that are not fully completed. Interrogate to determine / upload any missing product imagery


Identify purchase order records in specific statuses. Investigate as to why

Screen Control

Interrogate Screen Control Metrics

Drier temperature

Manual liaison with production staff to probe drier temp.

Ink Supply

Interrogate Ink Inventory records.