Screen Statuses


Both an individual stencil , and the stencil set to which it belongs have life-cycles, although the life-cycle for each differs.

The status indicator for each object denotes where each is in its respective life-cycle.




Member Stencil Status

The status for an individual member stencil is very straightforward and denotes its manufacturing state.
That is, whether it is:-


Screen status Colour



The screen stencil does not exist.


The screen stencil is in the process of being manufactured.


The screen stencil has been constructed.


Stencil Set Status

A stencil-set is made up of one or more individual member stencils. By contrast to the individual screen, the life-cycle of a stencil-set is more complicated.

It begins with the screen-set's creation, to its final checking, to its usage in the print process, post usage washing, and then its filing.

Additional statuses denote whether the screen set exists as a :-

Screen sets can also be flagged as a priority for checking, or indeed flagged for reclaiming.


The Statuses for a Stencil -set can be summarised as follows :-


Stencil Set Colour




Does not exist

No member stencils in the set exist..  (see note 1 below)


In Progress

One or more member stencils in the set is in the process of being manufactured. (see note 1 below)

Navy Blue

Final Check

All the member stencils in the set have been constructed, and are placed in the final check area awaiting a final check before usage.

(see note 1 below)


Out to Print

All  member stencils have been manufactured, and are currently employed (or just about to be used) on a production screen print job.


In Wash

The stencil-set is being washed. (post usage)

Sky Blue

Filed - Full Set

The stencil set has been washed and is filed as a full set (that is, all member stencils in the set are present.)
The set will either be filed in:-

  • the warehouse's stencil archiving area  - in which case the location field will be populated with its whereabouts.

  • the pre-check area (i.e. the stencil  set is required again)  - in which case, the check-over  flag will be enabled as black


Filed - Partial Set

The stencil  set has been washed and is filed as a partial set (that is, one or more member stencils in the set are missing / damaged and will require construction before the set can be used again.)


The partial set will either be filed in:-

  • the warehouse's stencil  archiving area  - in which case the location field will be populated with its whereabouts.

  • the pre-check area (i.e. the  set is required again)  - in which case, the check-over  flag will be set as black

Dark Pink

Partial  - Part Check

Following on from the partial set status, above, when one more member stencil in a set are missing, and the whole set is required on a another job, the missing stencil(s) will need to be constructed before the job can be done..

Whilst, this re-manufacture occurs, the partial set is placed in the part check area to await the replacement(s) to be made, and then the whole set is reconciled and subject to a final check before being used again..

The dark pink status indicates the partial set is in part check awaiting the manufacture of the missing screens.

NoteShould a screen split during a print run, the screen-set statuses will flash on and off to denote this and the urgency with which the replacement screen(s) should be constructed and provided back to the print job.