Every individual consignment should contain a packing/ consignment note in the form of a “hard copy” which identifies the products it contains
These hard copies are usually contained within a “documents enclosed window” attached to the outside of one of the outers, inside one of the outers or as part of the delivery paperwork.
There are also different ways in which packing notes can be supplied:-
In most instances the consignment will only contain One Note
However there may be occasions where the consignment may contain Multiple Notes.
Multiple notes may contain the same reference number or, as in an example where a supplier condenses uncommon orders into the same consignment as an efficiency measure, different reference numbers will exist.
Where they all match it is simply a case of clipping the packing notes together and referencing in the same manner as if there were one note.
If one or more packing note(s) contain a different reference within the same consignment it is a case of identifying how many different references are associated with the consignment and then separating out the physical stock and re-boxing it to match each individual reference.
Note - It is also
a possibility that a consignment will not contain any packing note.
If this occurs TOT will need to create one.
See topic Creating Packing Note
for more details
Tip: on occasion, the supplier may reference consignments in an inefficient manner and the boxes without packing notes may be part of another consignment. In these circumstances place those consignments without packing notes into the quarantine area and deal with them after all other consignments have been cross referenced.
Best practice
When large numbers
of consignments arrive at the same time separate them per Accepting a Delivery and keep an eye
out for the packing note(s).
If they are in an obvious position
try to stack the outers so this paperwork can be seen and are then ready
for the next process.