Agency Staff Induction





Print Name ………………………….Agency…………………………….Department …………………………


Start Date ………………………….                   Manager/Supervisor …………………….


Passport checked and scanned Y/N                Right to work share code checked? Y/N

PP number                                                      Share code                              D.O.B           

                                                                        Expiry Date

COVID 19 SAFETY – Hand sanitiser, do not touch face, wash hands regularly, keep a distance


Health & Safety in The Workplace

  1. Manual Handling – Assess the load, bend your knees, do not carry anything too heavy. Ask for help if you need it. Use pump/pallet trucks or trolleys to move heavy goods.

  2. Print Carousel Machinery Guards – Do not place any body part inside any machinery – Use of padlocks, (HSE) staff in the printshop must adhere to procedure on Strokeone

  3. Place garments correctly on the dryers as trained, don’t overhang them. Beware of heat of garments coming out of Dryers – in particular zips on Garments. Wear PPE (Gloves)

  4. Tidiness / Storage / Filing – Keep your area clean and tidy

  5. Awareness of Fork lift or pump trucks in Operation

  6. No Smoking Policy – Inside any part of the building – designated area for smoking outside

  7. Canteen Area – Keep clean and tidy. Fridges cleared out Fridays at 4pm. No food in the warehouse

  8. Mobile Phones/Headphones – Do not use whilst working only for breaktimes.

  9. Lockers – All bags and coats to be stored in the locker rooms. No bags allowed in the warehouse.


Fire Safety

  1. Sound the Alarm – communicate to others around you and leave the building

  2. Fire evacuation - Leave the building at the nearest exit, do not pick up your belongings

  3. Assembly Point – Inside the front fence in the car park, do not obstruct the main gate

  4. Fire Extinguishers – Only use if you are trained to do so


First Aid/Accident reporting – List of first aiders and contact numbers on the notice board above the clocking in machine

  1. Accidents – All accidents must be reported. The Accident book, which is held in the offices, must be filled in by the First Aider/Manager who was at the scene of the accident.


Personal Protective Equipment (If Appropriate)

  1. Its compulsory to use if required in your department, any employee caught not using it will be subject to disciplinary action

  2. Entitlement to Personal Protective Equipment – We provide it

  3. Areas in which P.P.E. are required (your department)

  4. Use of Equipment / Care and Maintenance of Equipment


Ethical Audit

TOT Shirts Ltd are audited annually to ensure we comply with the ETI base code.

Some examples of the ETI Base code are Employment is chosen Freely, working conditions, living wages paid, not working excessive hours (no working over 60 hours), no discrimination is practiced, no harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed. A full guide on the ETI base code is on the staff noticeboard.


Hours of work – 09.00 – 17:30, Breaks – 15min am, 30 mins lunch, 10 mins pm. Overtime optional.

Clock in/Clock out Arrival and departure only – Sage HR procedure explained or Timecard issued Y/N


Agency/Employees Signature …………………………….        Date ……………………


Managers Signature ………………………………...........       Date ……………………