Fire Training Notes

Fire Procedure Training Document


There is a section in the employee handbook under Section 3 on Fire Precautions and Emergency Situations.


Employees must:



What Staff Should Do If They Discover a Fire



What Staff Should Do If They Hear the Fire Alarm


What staff should do at the fire assembly point fire assembly point




Department Manager duties in the event of a fire


If you are a manager of a department you are also a Fire Marshal, your deputy will also need to be trained in your absence. It is your responsibility to ensure your staff are evacuated and accounted for at the fire assembly point. Train your staff and sign them off in the correct procedure for the following:

See topic Fire drill procedures for more information


Fire Marshall Duties


Trained personnel to tackle the fire only where appropriate. ­  

Where appropriate check toilets and close windows and doors on the way out.

If they have responsibilities for assisting persons with Personal Evacuation Plans respond as required following the actions as identified in the Plan.

­Ensure visitors in their area are escorted from the building to the assembly point.

­Do pass any information to the fire marshal responsible person at the assembly point.


Fire Marshals:


Dave Smith  - 2nd Floor

Jason Frost - HR 1st Floor

Dean Clark - Maintenance

Dean Curtis - Embroidery

Robert Walkowski - Print shop

Ricky Norton - Goods In

Monika Iwinska  - Other Processes

Lauren Joyce - 2nd Floor

Paulo Floriano - Stencil

Lisa Wheeler - HR 1st Floor

Chris Clayden - Decorated

Bandele Dada  - DTG