There is a section in the employee handbook under Section 3 on Fire Precautions and Emergency Situations.
ensure they are familiar with the emergency plan for their workplace and co–operate by participating in fire evacuation/drill procedures and by observing practical fire safety arrangements;
know, and cooperate with, the responsible person for their workplace;
report to their manager or supervisor any concerns about fire safety;
be familiar with all escape routes;
not wedge fire doors open, nor block or obstruct them;
be aware of the action to be taken on discovering a fire, hearing a fire alarm, for raising the alarm (including the location of fire alarm call points)
promptly evacuate the premises, in accordance with the emergency plan, to the fire assembly point without putting themselves and others at risk, and NOT attempt to extinguish a fire unless they have been specifically trained; and
comply with the No Smoking restrictions.
Raise the alarm by operating the nearest fire alarm call point, Shout “Fire” on your way out to alert other members of staff.
Leave the building by the nearest exit.
Do not stop or return to collect personal belongings.
Close any doors enroute without delaying your escape.
You must remain at the assembly point.
Do pass any vital/relevant information to the Senior Fire Marshall at the assembly point
Return to the building only when authorised to do so.
Leave the building by the nearest exit.
Close any doors enroute without delaying your escape.
Do not stop or return to collect personal belongings.
Do not use any firefighting equipment unless you have been trained.
Do pass any information to the Senior Fire Marshal responsible at the assembly point.
You must remain at the assembly point.
Return to the building only when
authorised to do so.
Stand in an orderly manor with their respective department. No Smoking or talking
Listen and respond when their name is called out
DO NOT reenter the building until told to do so and only if their name has been called out
If you are a manager of a department you are also a Fire Marshal, your deputy will also need to be trained in your absence. It is your responsibility to ensure your staff are evacuated and accounted for at the fire assembly point. Train your staff and sign them off in the correct procedure for the following:
Discovering a fire
Hearing the fire alarm
Evacuating the building
Fire assembly point
See topic Fire drill procedures for more information
Trained personnel to tackle the fire only where appropriate.
Where appropriate check toilets and close windows and doors on the way out.
If they have responsibilities for assisting persons with Personal Evacuation Plans respond as required following the actions as identified in the Plan.
Ensure visitors in their area are escorted from the building to the assembly point.
Do pass any information to the
fire marshal responsible person at the assembly point.
Dave Smith - 2nd Floor
Jason Frost - HR 1st Floor
Dean Clark - Maintenance
Dean Curtis - Embroidery
Robert Walkowski - Print shop
Ricky Norton - Goods In
Monika Iwinska - Other Processes
Lauren Joyce - 2nd Floor
Paulo Floriano - Stencil
Lisa Wheeler - HR 1st Floor
Chris Clayden - Decorated
Bandele Dada - DTG