To identify that a process is the final process on a production job, use the following methods
Looking at the particular processing layout [screen print, embroidery, other processes, digital print] – identify the Other Job Lines field.
If this field contains 0 –it means, there are no other process lines for that job – therefore by definition it is the final process line on the job.
If the field is not zero, you need to interrogate the other job lines to establish their status – in essence if all the other process lines on the job are completed, then you are working on is the final process line.
To do this click on the other job lines field for the job in question -and this will display the other process lines on the job – we are interested in the production status flags for those other lines.
For example, in the below screen print process – we can see that there is 1 other process line on the job, and when interrogating that in the pop up we can see that its in a completed production status.
Here’s the rule: if all the other process lines for a job have a completed production status, then the process line you are about to undertake is the final process. If one or more are not started, then you are not working on the final prcoess line.