To provide a check and balance against the KPIs generated from the START/PAUSE/STOP procedure it is essential to monitor the amount of time you are working on a press.
will be navigated to the Print
Room home layout
Strokeone will also open
behind the Print Room database
Notice how there are two sides to the layout - one for the left machine and one for the second machine on the right. Notice also how the vertical colour bar on either side of the Exit button is Red - meaning that no timings are being recorded.
Sign in to start logging your time as follows:-
Determine if you are logging into the machine on the right or left
Select from the pop up your name in Select Team Leader
The Type of work you will be doing - . This will default to “production” as this is the value that will be used most of the time.
The Machine you are working on from the related drop down value list.
Select start
The layout will update to Amber
for the started side, meaning that time is being recorded. Notice
also that the Start button has toggled to now read Stop.
If you are working on a second
machine - repeat the above steps, but on the other panel
in the layout
The PrintRoom
database should be kept
throughout a shift. By
default, it will position as the front window, so provides quick access
in the event of any changes