Field | Type | Definition | Comments | Retain on Stroke 2 Equivalent layout |
> | Navigation | Open SKU Detail form | The detail dropdown | TBC |
SKU | Numeric | Unique reference identifier for item | Yes | |
Owner | Text | Owner company for item | Yes | |
Type | Text | Blank
Garment", "Printed Garment", "Merchandise",
"Peripheral", "Returns", "Bundle", "-", "Consumable", "Stationery", "Embroidery thread", "Purchased Screen Ink", "Mixed Screen Ink", "ink", "Cleaning Supplies", "Maintenance Materials", "-", "Blank Screen", "Printed Screen", "Screen Frame", "-", "General Item", "Support Item", "-", "Digitisation/Subbed Art" |
Can this not be rationalised | TBC |
Description | Text | Description | Taken from here | Yes |
Colourway | Text | This is the DSI for | Is this needed if it is in Description | No |
Locaton | Text | The location reference which holds a balance | Yes | |
Qty in Location | Numeric | The location balance for the specified location | Yes | |
Adjust | Button | Allows users to increment or decrement the location balance | Makes sense to have this and embellish with adj reason field to aid auditing - and store as a transaction | Yes |
Set | Button | Allows users to overwrite(set) the location balance | Query use of this - available balances should really be a result of a transaction. It would be better audit wise if adjustment transaction was used | TBC |
Expected | Numeric | @sum of Expected qty for SKU | Yes | |
Available | Numeric | @sum of Available qty for SKU | Yes | |
Allocated | Numeric | @sum of Allocated qty for SKU | ||
Storage Charges | Money | ?? Is this the legacy storage charge vale ?? | Is this needed at this level ? | TBC/ No? |
Total in all locations | Numeric | @sum of All Location balances for SKU | Note a SKU can be in multiple locations, each of which would have a record here | Yes |
Warehouse Discrepancy | Numeric | =(@sum of SKU Available + @sum of SKU Allocated)-(@sum of SKU warehouse location balances) | At the @sum location balance level, not individual location | Yes |
Other Location | Button | Invokes a pop up with the other locations that may hold the SKU; and allows for Set / Adjust & set check for other locations | Not bad - but doesn't it make sense to disable/hide when only 1 location ? | Yes |
Change Location | Button | Invokespop up to allow (picker) or barcode scanner to select destination location and execute move transaction (whole location balance) | Yes | |
Free Stock | Button | Invokes dialog to specify qty to book to free stock (DR Location; DR Available) | Yes | |
Last Checked | Date | Populated with last date that SKU location was set as checked | Yes | |
Select | Button | Allows for multiple records to be selected | Yes | |
Stock Status | Icon | Denotes the status of the item in the location record | <0>Not Check [Red]</0><1>Part Checked[Amber]</1><2>Checked[Green]</2> | Yes |