Stock Location


Current Status


Field Type Definition Comments Retain on Stroke 2 Equivalent layout
>  Navigation Open SKU Detail form The detail dropdown  TBC
SKU Numeric Unique reference identifier for item   Yes
Owner Text Owner company for item   Yes
Type Text Blank Garment", "Printed Garment", "Merchandise", "Peripheral", "Returns", "Bundle",
"-", "Consumable", "Stationery", "Embroidery thread", "Purchased Screen Ink", "Mixed
Screen Ink", "ink", "Cleaning Supplies", "Maintenance Materials", "-", "Blank Screen",
"Printed Screen", "Screen Frame", "-", "General Item", "Support Item", "-", "Digitisation/Subbed
Can this not be rationalised TBC
Description Text Description Taken from here Yes
Colourway Text This is the DSI for  Is this needed if it is in Description No
Locaton Text The location reference which holds a balance   Yes
Qty in Location Numeric The location balance for the specified location   Yes
Adjust Button Allows users to increment or decrement the location balance Makes sense to have this and embellish with adj reason field to aid auditing - and store as a transaction Yes
Set Button Allows users to overwrite(set) the location balance Query use of this - available balances should really be a result of a transaction. It would be better audit wise if adjustment transaction was used TBC
Expected Numeric @sum of Expected qty for SKU   Yes
Available Numeric @sum of Available qty for SKU   Yes
Allocated Numeric @sum of Allocated qty for SKU    
Storage Charges Money ?? Is this the legacy storage charge vale ?? Is this needed at this level ? TBC/ No?
Total in all locations Numeric @sum of All Location balances  for SKU Note a SKU can be in multiple locations, each of which would have a record here Yes
Warehouse Discrepancy Numeric =(@sum of SKU Available + @sum of SKU Allocated)-(@sum of SKU warehouse location balances) At the @sum location balance level, not individual location Yes
Other Location Button Invokes a pop up with the other locations that may hold the SKU; and allows for Set / Adjust & set check for other locations Not bad - but doesn't it make sense to disable/hide when only 1 location ? Yes
Change Location Button Invokespop up to allow (picker) or barcode scanner to select destination location and execute move transaction (whole location balance)   Yes
Free Stock Button Invokes dialog to specify qty to book to free stock (DR Location; DR Available)   Yes
Last Checked Date Populated with last date that SKU location was set as checked   Yes
Select Button Allows for multiple records to be selected   Yes
Stock Status Icon Denotes the status of the item in the location record <0>Not Check [Red]</0><1>Part Checked[Amber]</1><2>Checked[Green]</2> Yes