Credit Management Requirements


Capabilities Required: Credit Management






Set and Mange Client Credit Policy

Ability to consume credit data from external source

 - Client Name

 - Current Balance

 - Current Limit

 - Last Update

  - Current WIP estimate

 - Terms Agreed

 - Account on Hold

 - Limit Breach


Ability to consume this information regularly  - min daily


Ability to consume this information on demand per client or multiple clients


Record the receipt of this information


Exists & enhancement


Delinquent Account Controls

Ability to automatic/set status highlight clients who have an on hold status

Ability to manually set (or clear) the on hold status of a client

Ability to automatically update the on hold status of a customer from external feed consumption


Ability to trigger warnings for any clients who are on hold

 - If a job is added

 - if a process line is started

 - if a despatch requirement is added

 - if a request to update a despatch to sent status is made

 - if a request for quotation is placed

 - if a quotation is sent

 - if a provided quotation is accepted

 - if attempt is made to process a PO for customer


This probably needs drilling down to identify all the activities that increase TOT's exposure to the client

Exists & enhancement


Work in progress calculation

Ability to per client calculate the WIP value of work in play for a customer


i.e Job orders; webstore orders, fulfilment orders, handling fees that exist but have not yet been actualised to invoice point


Ability to store this value in the client definition


Ability to feed this value to an external accounting package


Ability to include this in the client balance calculation - there are options here to discuss as to where this can be best applied


1. Push WIP value to the accounting package into a custom field, and bring back an aggregate balance figure (this would need to be aggregated in the import process)

2. Hold the WIP value in TOT system; consume the balance field from external source and have an aggregate field in





Over Credit Limit Control

Ability to record that Limit is Breached

Ability to configure at client level whether breach warnings should be suppressed (default would be to have this field set as cleared and access limited to specific permissions)

Similar to on hold functionality for clients with Limit Breached flag and no suppression warning flag, activiites which increase TOT exposure should generate warnings


- If a job is added

 - if a process line is started

 - if a despatch requirement is added

 - if a request to update a despatch to sent status is made

 - if a request for quotation is placed

 - if a quotation is sent

 - if a provided quotation is accepted

 - if attempt is made to process a PO for customer





Communicate Over Credit Limit

Ability to email internal staff list of over limit

Do you want ability to email client also - and is this a function that belongs in production system ?



Credit Approval Function

This is a generic function to support credit risk mitigation when new orders are proposed
See Credit Check



Manage Debtor accounts

Propose to continue to use external package to facilitate this



Establish Supplier Payment Terms

Propose to continue to do this outside production system



Prioritise Invoicing

Intention is to continue practice of invoicing from accounts package based on order data pushed from production system.

However, there are exceptions where certain clients require pseudo invoice before they release PO refs which are then coded onto official invoices and provided to client

So support the existing working practices for this


Ability to generate "pseudo" invoices in production system
- time and date stamp these for audit purposes


Ability to communicate pseudo invoices to client (email , other ?)

Ability to update records with client PO references







Credit Reference Agencies

Credit information on companies


Payment Information

Accounting Package

Client Balance information
Payment History

Production System

Order / Invoice-able charges information


Communication regarding payments
Requests for additional information

Sales Department

Request for credit authorisation / terms for (new) client(s)

Senior Management

Approvals for credit term breaches

Approvals for credit terms / credit term adjustment(s)






Credit Terms

Notification of credit breach

Response to queries

Additional information to expedite payments

Sales Department

Production Managers

Senior Managers

Notification of concern over client payment behaviour

Notification of credit breaches


Accounts Package

Client Credit Term creation / adjustment

Bank Balance information

Production System

Client Balance Data

Client Credit Status