Future Requirements


  1. Production Administration Job Confirmation functionality

  2. Capability for Clients to place their 3rd Party PO through a portal

  3. Art work as service capability

  4. CMS Capabilities

  5. Subbing Out Capabilities for all departments

  6. Data Entry Re-engineer

    1. Make easier

    2. Make more robust

    3. Ensure Integrity

  7. Transaction History for SKU

  8. Stencil Inventory - not necessary to have transactional accounting, but require stencil control list level on demand calculations

  9. Available to Pick for Fulfilments

  10. Scheduling Dashboard

  11. KPI capture and interactivity with Scheduling

    1. maintain average run rates and set up times for processes

    2. these metrics should get updated over time with data as job data added

    3. these metrics should drive the scheduling process - i.e. for a process QTY and DSI variables -the corresponding duration should be calculable

  12. Login to machine to capture Person attendance on machine

    1. this can then be compared to their setup / run rate activity

  13. Queuing / Concurrent jobs on same machine

    1. not sure this has a software impact - although would mean several jobs running on same machine simultaneously

    2. Given average colours on a print run is 4 and there are 14 colour machines, the machine could be set up for 3 jobs and the heads enaged/disengaged as needed. Reduces the disassembly / downtime between jobs

  14. Integrate the Job Production Processes to Fulfilments

    1. this can then allow the output from the processes to be picked / packed according to the splits on the fulfilments