Area |
Capabilities |
Functionality |
Priority |
Home Page: Action Required |
Ability to expose information by customer contact :-
the detail data content for these can be provided when needed |
Exists |
Essential |
Home Page: Action Required |
Ability to process "action required" items - Orders with no delivery information Provide for following cases
Case 1: Customer wishes order produce to be booked into stock provide ability for customer to record order should be booked into stock persist this information to internal system update order record to denote no delivery needed no longer display order as action needed audit log of above
Case 2: Customer wishes to provide delivery details for all / some of order provide ability for customer to create a "delivery record" provide ability for customer to add some / all of each produced SKU into the "delivery record" allow customer to confirm / place "delivery record" capture delivery record in internal system - associate this to source job order expose delivery identifier to customer in portal prompt the user whether to now mark the record as delivery information completed If user prompt "Y" then:- update order record to denote no delivery needed no longer display order as action needed audit log of above If user prompt "N" then allow for user to keep creating
delivery records Case 3: Customer wishes to create delivery requirement(s) for multiple job orders that have no delivery instructions Allow customer to select one or more order records Provide ability for customer to create delivery record(s) against their entire stock position allow customer to confirm / place "delivery record" capture delivery record in internal system - associate this record to the selected jobs expose delivery identifier to customer in portal allow the user to manually mark the displayed jobs as no longer requiring delivery information audit log all |
Exists |
Essential |
Home Page: Action Required |
Ability to process "action required" items - Colour Visuals that require approval Provide ability to service following cases
Case 1: Customer approves visual - capture approval - user and timestamp - update visual record as approved - no longer expose visual record as approval needed in portal - audit log
Case 2: Customer rejects visual - capture rejection response Rejection reasons user and timestamp - update visual record as rejected - continue to expose visual record in portal - audit log - allow exposed record to be updated once source record updated
** We currently have 3rd party approval functionality -is that still required / used by anyone ? ** |
Exists |
Essential |
Home Page: Action Required |
Ability to process "artwork required items - Provide ability for portal user to upload artwork against record prompt portal user to confirm that upload is all artwork for record If N persist that information into internal system provide notification internally that artwork now partially rec'd update artwork rec'd status to In progress keep record exposed in portal
If Y persist that information into internal system provide notification internally that artwork now fully rec'd update artwork rec'd status to complete no longer expose record as needing action in portal |
`New |
High |
Home Page: Latest Updates |
Provide ability to display update / notifications to all portal users Provide ability to disable / enable notifications Provide ability to update content of notifications Limit access to the creation / configuration of notification message to permissioned users |
`Exists |
Essential |
Job order Information |
Provide customers ability to search for job orders by criteria [identifier; their PO reference, date range (required from / to); job name; status; whether delivery instructions rec'd] Display returned job information Status ; date required; identifier; name; client contact; client po ref; details Details Process Lines Garments In / Out Deliveries the detail data content for these can be provided when needed |
Exists |
Essential |
Deliveries Information |
Provide customers ability to search for job orders by criteria [identifier; client contact, client reference; venue; description; delivery date range; sent date range; sent Y/N; 3rd part approval*] Display returned delivery information Picked Status ; Ready Status; Sent Status; Delivery Date; Sent Date; Internal identifier; Venue; description; client contact; client po identifier; Consignment ref (link) ; details Details Delivery Content Delivery Note packing Notes Delivery Charges Courier Signature the detail data content for these can be provided when needed
* This depends on whether 3rd party delivery order delegation for order placing will be carried forward* |
Exists |
Essential |
Decorated Stock |
Provide customers ability to search their inventory by criteria [Stock Class; category; 3rd party owner*; Description; Type; Colour; Trim; Size; Avail to order QTY; Internal SKU; Customer SKU]] Display returned item information Our SKU; Your SKU; Description; 3rd Party*; In warehouse; Expected; Accounted for; Available to order; Image ** the detail data content for these can be provided when needed * This depends on whether 3rd party stock / delivery order delegation for order placing will be carried forward*
** shows image** |
Exists |
Essential |
Create / Place Delivery Order |
Provide ability to generate one or more delivery records from decorated stock - ability to create / edit existing baskets - ability to add specific qty / all of an item to a basket - ability to define / select delivery address - ability to add delivery instructions - ability to place order - ability to save basket
the detail data content for these can be provided when needed |
Exists |
Essential |
Blank Stock |
Provide customers ability to search their inventory by criteria [Stock Class; ; Description; Type; Colour; Trim; Size; Avail to order QTY; Internal SKU; Customer SKU]] Display returned item information Our SKU; Your SKU; Description; In warehouse; Expected; Accounted for; Available to order; the detail data content for these can be provided when needed
Provide ability to generate one or more delivery records from blank stock per decorated |
Prices |
Ability to display the price matrices that are applied to the customer |
Exists |
Essential |
Finance |
This should provide information to the client Financial position / statement Invoices Invoice payment status Allow client to download invoices allow client to download statement Current challenge for this is data is stored in accounts package, so challenge either backfilling or amending data sources |
Exists / enhancements |
Essential |
Approvals |
Allows a given customer contact to view / and action colour visuals Functions identically to colour approval functionality listed earlier with exception that it allows a contact from a company to see / approve a visual from a job for another contact within the same company |
Exists |
Essential |
Purchase Orders - Read Only |
Functionality as per existing |
Exists |
Essential |
Purchase Orders - Client Create |
Allow a customer to create their 3rd party PO in portal
** needs some more thought - but would save TOT admin time **
data content to be fully defined - but at a minimum
Supplier, Category; customer ref; supplier ref; PO Type; Order Date; Delivery date expected; Delivery address; Ability to upload copy of order Ability to capture order content Supplier SKU; TOT SKU (if known); Item description; Order Qty
audit above
Persist this information in TOT system in a client placed status Provide ability for update of PO record - associate to Job ref(s) - match supplier SKU to TOT internal - amend QTY's etc audit above |
New |
High |
Approvals |
Allows a given customer contact to view / and action colour visuals Functions identically to colour approval functionality listed earlier with exception that it allows a contact from a company to see / approve a visual from a job for another contact within the same company |
Exists |
Essential |
Web Orders |
This to be thought about more - but at a minimum Ability to search for orders by [webstore; order date range; sent date range; order type; destination region; ] Display returned delivery information Order Date; Date Required; webstore; webstore order; internal ref; Allocated Status; Picked Status ; Ready Status; Sent Status; Delivery Date; Sent Date; Internal identifier; recipient; delivery address region; delivery method; courier; Consignment ref (link) ; details
Details Delivery details recipient info delivery address consignment ref package type webstore webstore order ref
Ordered Items SKU, Description, Order Qty, Picked Qty, Weight; Customs Code; item price(store) total price
Charges Charge Type; Description; Qty; Price; Total Cost
Delivery Notices Delivery Note Packing Note |
New |
High |
Options |
Allow user to reset their password
If we are going to maintain the 3rd party delegation for ordering / stock holdings - ability to create 3rd party user - ability to revoke 3rd party user access |
Exists |
Essential |
From |
Details |
TOT Internal System |
External Users |
To |
Details |
TOT Internal System |
External Users |