Area |
Capabilities |
Functionality |
Priority |
View workload |
Ability to view despatch requirement workload list
Ability to filter workload list by several criteria:
Exists |
Essential |
Organise Workload |
Ability to identify record set of despatch requirements Ability to assign a relative priority against each item in record set Ability to assign items in record set to one or more staff members Ability to amend any of the above prioritisation attributes |
Exists |
Essential |
Workload assignment |
Ability to see workload assigned to signed in user i.e. foundset of despatch requirements hat require processing which are assigned to the signed in user |
Exists |
Essential |
Respect specific delivery notes |
Provide ability to indicate specific delivery notes on a despatch requirement Ability to denote that delivery notes have been actioned |
Exists |
Essential |
Delivery Details |
Ability to define delivery details Recipient details - name/ contact details / company Description Company Delivery Address Customer reference Provide functionality to look up saved / favourites destinations for selection Provide functionality to look up destinations via post code / street name etc
Courier Details Courier Courier Service Courier consignment reference
This all exists currently so can be reused ?
Exists |
Essential |
Pick Fulfilment |
Per Pick requirement, per location per Sku - ability to see Location Balance Allocated Qty Picked Quantity Ability to specify a qty of item as picked Ability to specify whole qty as picked Provide controls to prevent above two actions allowing a qty picked > Item location Account for the qty picked (CR Picked; DR available, Dr location Update pick requirement status - at line and requirement level Ability to amend / unpick quantities
Provide ability for user to record one or more locations where picked stock located to Persist this location Provide ability to generate labels for the picked stock / location
Exists |
Essential |
Picking Optimisation |
Smart relocation Ability to smart pick a requirement - i.e. optimised route to reduce number of locations item stored in Ability to smart pick a series of requirements Note: for the above - relocate does not process the requirement
as picked, but the requirements are relocated to a picking trolley(s)
from which they then are processed as picks to the individual
requirement orders
Exists |
Essential |
Box Labels |
Ability to build box end labels - specify contents of a box - one or more SKU's - allow for multiple boxes - record the QTY of SKU per box - provide control so @sum of sku recorded in boxes <= total requirement Ability to output box end labels |
Exists |
Essential |
Packing Note |
Ability to generate packing note - Despatch # - recipient - list of contents [SKU, description, boxed qty, box number] - delivery method - disclaimer verbiage
Provide easy method to update verbiage - i.e. hold this in a table / user accessible place
Ability to generate delivery note
Ability to generate specific labels - UPC and White label ?
Exists |
Essential |
Communication of Packing Note |
Ability to communicate delivery and /or packing details via email - to client - to interested parties Ability to communicate delivery and /or packing detail via portal |
Exists |
Essential |
Shipping Weight |
Calculate the weight of despatch Provide the ability for user to amend weight
Exists |
Essential |
Shipping API |
Ability to communicate with delivery service(s) to determine shipping charges [Consider returning a selection of couriers and services with ability to select based on differing info] Ability to accept/book a delivery service Capture the costs of the delivery service and persist this Calculate the customer shipping cost [this to be determined, but some % factor up ?] Ability to mark the record as costs capture Ability to capture and persist the courier shipping reference Ability to generate courier shipping labels |
Exists / Enhancement |
Essential |
Fulfilment Charges |
Ability to add one or more charge records Ability for charge records to use matrix for pricing Ability to manually override charge details Ability to delete charge records Provide audit trail of charge record activity
Note: provide capability to record certain charges as time duration based.
Exists |
Essential |
Charge Notification |
Provide capability to denote that charges are completed Provide control for this to check that charge records existing are fully populated Provide audit trail of charge record activity |
Exists |
Essential |
Financial Authorisation Control |
Provide additional controls for financial authorisation cases Where Customer On Hold status <> Not on Hold Provide facility to record that financial authorisation needed capture authorising user / timestamp / any notes denote that financial authorisation has occurred Prevent or Warn ? on send update if Customer On Hold status <> Not on Hold and no financial authorisation captured Audit log above
Exists |
Essential |
Credit Check |
provide capability for credit check TBC whether this should be in workflow stages (e.g trigger when updating record to ready) and/or on demand
Needs agreement about what to evaluate here - e.g. value of fulfilment (goods and charges if attached to job - value of job + charges
Assuming a value - then validate
1) credit breeches ? If yes, then some form of warning / action needed
2) No credit terms If financial authorisation has been recorded, then ignore, else
If there is prepaid amount recorded provide warning for user to ensure it sufficient to cover / release despatch user must acknowledge warning
If there is no prepaid amount recorded provide warning for user to that goods are being released against no payment user must acknowledge warning
Audit log of above |
Enhancement |
Essential |
Confirmation of Readiness |
Ability to mark one or more despatch records as ready for delivery Triggers the following - prompts for a location to record where the ready to deliver record are placed - allows order labels to be generated -generates delivery note update record status as ready
Exists |
Essential |
Courier Signature |
Provide capability to capture courier name, quantity of boxes, courier signature and timestamp for a delivery
Where courier is collecting multiple deliveries, provide ability to capture name / signature across numerous record Update status to sent once signed
Persist this information Denote that signature information captured on delivery
Exists |
Essential |
Record Despatch |
Ability to record that despatch is sent
Exists |
Essential |
Collection Note |
Provide Collection note functionality ** Need to drill down on this more ** |
Exists |
From |
Details |
Re-seller Client |
Delivery Order |
Webstores |
Delivery Requirements |
Production |
Job related delivery requirements |
Production |
Non job related delivery requirements |
Delivery Service |
Capture of courier collecting receipt details |
Delivery Service |
Tracking references; prepaid shipping labels |
To |
Details |
Delivery Service |
Delivery detail information to obtain tracking reference and/or shipping labels |
Delivery Service |
Assembled Delivery for shipment to end addresses |
Client |
Confirmation of Despatch |
Portal |
Confirmation of Despatch |
Accounts |
Confirmation of Despatch |
Webstore |
Confirmation of Despatch |
The workflow can be represented schematically