Goods In Requirements

Capabilities Required: Accept Delivery and Prepare to Process

Note: Goods In Staff Perform many of their tasks via mobile devices - these capabilities need to be supported on non desktop devices also





Accept Delivery

Essentially done outside the system

Expectation is that this will continue



Organise Consignments

Outers are separated into single separated consignments

Again, expectation is that this will continue to be done outside production system



Identify Deliveries that can be Fast Tracked

Ability to search for internal PO record

 - by PO Number

 - by client PO Number

 - by test search



Locating Matching Internal PO

Ability to view list of open PO's

Ability to view record details in list view PO ref; Supplier; Owner; PO Type (blank etc) Current PO Status



View details of matching PO

Ability to view details of PO

Order Line level information [SKU, Ordered Qty, delivered etc]

Delivery Information - including images uploaded - delivery notes etc

Related Jobs

Related Fulfilments

Family Pics - i,e, images at Sku level

Handling Charges

Checked Information




Creation of temporary PO if no internal record

Ability to create PO on the fly

[supplier; delivery company; owner co.; category; owner po ref; PO Type; Notes]




Capture of delivery information

Ability to Update PO  record with Delivery Information:

[No'#Outers; Location; Signed for and Timestamp]


Ability to scan (locate) the delivery into a location


Ability to generate a X reference


Ability to upload one or more images


Ability to assign the uploaded image a type/ description

  Upload picture of paperwork as pre-check


Ability to generate additional delivery records as required




Generation of Cross referencing

Ability to generate unique (by business day) cross reference identifier


Ability to generate cross reference label

[Date; #Outers; PO ref; Location. X reference ID; Unique barcode]





Confirmation of delivery receipt

Ability to confirm delivery confirmation to internal parties

Ability to confirm delivery confirmation to external parties



Prioritise consignments to process

Ability to identify  record set of deliveries awaiting checking

Ability to assign a relative priority against each item in record set

Ability to assign items in record set to one or more goods in staff member

Ability to amend any of the above prioritisation attributes





Capabilities Required: Process Deliveries

Note: Goods In Staff Perform many of their tasks via mobile devices - these capabilities need to be supported on non desktop devices also





Workload assignment

Ability to see workload assigned to signed in user

i.e. foundset of PO records that require checking that are assigned to the signed in user



Record Checking Details

Ability to record check category against delivery record.

Ability to upload one or more images

Ability to assign the uploaded image a type/ description

  Upload picture of paperwork as post-check



Process Delivery for Job

Ability to view job orders that created (and require) the PO contents

Ability to pick a quantity of an item from the PO delivery for one or more jobs

Ability to pick a whole quantity of an item from the PO delivery

Ability to account for the above

Provide control to prevent user picking a QTY > Required Qty

Provide control to prevent user picking a QTY > Received QTY

Ability to generate labels (part of fully picked) for the picked job requirements

Ability to output labels for affixing to the outers

Ability to relocate the picked quantities into a picked stock storage location via barcode scanning

Ability to book any surplus items into stock [account for this]

Ability to scan booked in stock into a location via barcode

Update PO Lines to denote amount received / OS / Status

Update PO Record status to reflect received status - partially or fully delivered




Process Delivery for Webstores

As above except provide the ability to generate POD labels where delivery is for POD job orders



Process Delivery for Fulfilment

Ability to view delivery (fulfilments) that created (and require) the PO contents

Ability to pick a quantity of an item from the PO delivery for one or more fulfilments

Ability to pick a whole quantity of an item from the PO delivery for a fulfilment

Provide accounting for the above [i.e. DR PO expected --> CR Picked)

Provide control to prevent user picking a QTY > Required Qty

Provide control to prevent user picking a QTY > Received QTY

Ability to record box end information for picked items

Ability to output box end labels for affixing to the items picked for fulfilment

Ability to relocate the picked quantities into a picked fulfilment storage location via barcode scanning

Ability to book any surplus items into stock [account for this]

Ability to scan booked in stock into a location via barcode

Update PO Lines to denote amount received / OS / Status

Update PO Record status to reflect received status - partially or fully delivered




Capture family images

Ability to capture & upload image to be held at family sku level



Process Delivery into Stock

Ability to specify a quantity of an item from the PO and book into stock

Ability to book in whole quantity of an item from the PO into stock

Ability to book in all items from the PO into stock

With the above provide the capability that stock location is selected via barcode scanning

Provide accounting for the above [i.e. DR PO expected --> CR Picked)

Provide control to prevent user booking in QTY > received Qty

Provide control to prevent user picking a QTY > Received QTY

Update PO Lines to denote amount received / OS / Status

Update PO Record status to reflect received status - partially or fully delivered



Capture Handling Charges

Ability to capture one or more handling charges on the PO

Currently this is a manual action

This should be automated as much as possible - at a minimum through a wizard that prompts user as to duration, type of handling cost and then auto calculates total and then asks if charges complete or to add another

These charges should be pulled from a matrix that is associated to the customer

Ability to delete a handling charge (if incorrectly entered)


provide logging of who/when handling charges were entered and finalised




Communicate Checked Status

Ability to communicate checked details




Capabilities Required:Support for Webstores

Note: Goods In Staff Perform many of their tasks via mobile devices - these capabilities need to be supported on non desktop devices also





Receive Items for webstore OTS

Ability to identify if Determine if SKU exists;

Ability to create SKU if needed

Ability to generate item barcode for SKU

Ability to output barcode per single item for affixing to items
(i.e. if Qty received of SKU 12234, generate 20 barcode labels-  one for each item)

Ability to generate a Purchase order for received items

** There should be the ability to generate a PO from a selected set of SKU's **



Book in to Inventory;

Ability to book in received items via created PO

Ability to capture and upload image at SKU family level

Upload Family Image if needed




Ability to locate received items into a location





Capabilities Required:Picking from Stock

Note: Goods In Staff Perform many of their tasks via mobile devices - these capabilities need to be supported on non desktop devices also





Identify Requirements

Ability to see orders where stock requirements  are

  1. Fully allocated; not picked or part picked

  2. Part allocated; not picked or part picked

Ability to filter requirements by differing criteria

 - Business Origin : webstores; non webstores

 - required date

*any others **




Organise workload

Ability to assign a relative priority against each item in record set

Ability to assign items in record set to one or more goods in staff member

Ability to amend any of the above prioritisation attributes



View assigned workload

Ability to see workload assigned to signed in user

i.e. foundset of picking requirements  assigned to the signed in user



Picking Support

Ability to generate and output picking sheets for picking requirements



Picking Optimisation

is there the concept of smart pick / route optimisation for this business

if not is there a desire ?



Picking Functionality

Per Pick requirement, per location per Sku - ability to see

Location Balance
Pick Requirement

Allocated Qty

Picked Quantity


Ability to specify a qty of item as picked

Ability to specify whole qty as picked

Provide controls to prevent above two actions allowing a qty picked > Item location

Account for the qty picked (CR Picked; DR available, Dr location

Update pick requirement status  - at line and requirement level

Ability to amend / unpick quantities


Provide ability for user to record one or more locations where picked stock located to

Persist this location

Provide ability to generate labels for the picked stock / location




Capabilities Required:Stock Checking

Note: Goods In Staff Perform many of their tasks via mobile devices - these capabilities need to be supported on non desktop devices also





Selecting and Retrieving Location for Checking

Ability to Identify a Location to Stock Check

[by last checked ; where discrepancy; location check status]

** This should auto prompt etc - i.e. time since last checked

Ability select one or more locations via barcode scan

Ability to  view list contents of selected locations -
[SKU, description, Size, Qty avail, Qty alloc, discrepancy,

Ability to omit one or more sku from the recordset retrieved

Ability to view details of sku listed in location (other location balances; total sku qtys for all locations



Relocate selected location contents for checking

Ability to relocate location contents to a checking location

Provide ability to do this via location barcode scanning)

relocate function must respect any items omitted in the previous step

relocation function should debit the selected recordset from previous location



Perform Check / Amend as needed

Ability to scan item barcode to determine the balance that should be in the location

Ability to set (specify) the location balance

Account for and log adjustments

Ability to see sku movement history

Ability to relocate an unexpected SKU found in the location check - i.e. book it into the location



Generate Box End Labels

Ability to select one or more items for box end label generation

Ability to amend the contents of items added into box end label generator
(NB you could have SKU's for one location spread across multiple boxes so need labels at box level not location for this case)

Ability to generate and output box end labels (barcode, qty details)




relocate now checked SKUs into warehouse location

Ability to select one, several or all sku's  - support this via sku barcode scanning

Ability to view the selected recordset

Ability to relocate record set to a location balance



Update checked status

Ability to mark one or more SKUs as location checked

Ability to mark location record as checked

Persist the stock check time and date

Persist the user name for the status check










  1. Process incoming deliveries:
    1. Identify, check and reconcile delivery
    2. Determine the correct department for processing the delivery
    3. Fast track to required production processes if stock is job related
    4. Book in to Inventory / to despatch as appropriate
    5. Publish notifications of receipt / checking / booking activity
    6. Record and publish handling charges.
  2. Webstore Support: Off the Shelf Business
    1. Receive Items for webstore
    2. Book in to Inventory; upload image ; locate
    3. Make available for re-seller / online portal
  3. Pick stock required for production processes.
  4. Stock Management:-
    1. Stock reconciliation
    2. Stock location management / optimisation





Physical Deliveries

Suppliers / Customers / Internal

Deliveries vs. Purchase Orders

Deliveries that are not pre-advised, i.e. no PO


Off the shelf items for processing

Production Job(s)

Picking Requirements for jobs

Webstore POD's

Picking Requirements for POD orders

Website Design Your Own orders

Picking Requirements for Design Your Own Orders





Production Departments

Picked stock required for production processes


Booked in stock


Publish confirmation of Stock Delivery Receipts / check in / reconciliation / booking into inventory.


handling / PO charges


Publish Reconciliation Results


