Creating Job For Printing Subbed to Selman

Background & Rationale

TOT has leased part of its warehouse space to a Lithographic / Digital Paper Printers.

This provides TOT with the capabilities of offering its clients paper print services with the manufacture / supply aspect handled by the tenant company.

The current suggested model to capture orders placed for this flow would be.


Enquiry Quotation

Sending Party

Receiving Party



Client TOT Prod Admin Email Enquiry for Paper Printing Price. Includes Artwork as needed
TOT Prod Admin Selman Email Relays Client Print Request and associated Artwork for Quotation
Selman TOT Prod Admin Email Provide quotation for Print Job
TOT  Prod Admin Client Email Create & Send Quotation to client based on Selman Quote plus margin *
Client TOT Prod Admin Email Acceptance or Rejection of Quote



Client acceptance

Does client have account terms with TOT ?

If not:-

Sending Party

Receiving Party



TOT Prod Admin Client Email / Phone Request payment for Print Job
TOT  Prod Admin TOT accounts Email Notify to await receipt from client
TOT Accounts TOT Prod Admin Email Confirmation of payment receipt


Once payment received / or if ordering client has terms

Sending Party

Receiving Party



TOT Prod Admin Selman Strokeone / Email Create and send PO representing client order



Creation  of Purchase Order

Dept: Prod Admin; PO Type: Lithographic / paper print.
Why ? - Just will segregate these out.


PO Detail Record






Supplier Company: Selmans


Owner Company: TOT Shirts


Owner PO number - could use this for ultimate client order ID


There is no ultimate client field - and using Owner is not valid. Suggestion to use the Notes field to record this.
Additionally, correspondence could be kept in the Documents Tab / containers


New SKU to represent the Goods ordered / which selmans will print




Quantity Ordered


Unit Cost - this is the unit cost quote by Selman - Note it is not the price the ultimate client should be charged.



Communication  of Purchase Order

PO gets marked as Sent and communicated to Selmans



Example boiler plate email



Actual Purchase Order PDF


Expected SKU


Delivery of Printed Goods

Sending Party

Receiving Party




TOT Goods In Physical Delivery of Printed Order



Processing of Received Goods


Goods in receive the printed items, locate and inform the ordering department

Sending Party

Receiving Party



TOT Goods In TOT Prod Admin PO Email Notify Prod admin physical print is in





Booking In Received Printed Goods

As Production Administration will be raising the invoice for the PO, proposal is that they check / book in the received goods

** That needs finalising, so discuss with DC **


Booking in process


If partial delivery - use Part Book In


If a partial delivery - there needs to be an assessment


Are the remaining items going to be produced / delivered by Selman

 - If yes, then await the remainder of  delivery and book in upon receipt

 - if no (and the short qty is small amount) - amend the PO to reduce the Qty ordered





Creation of Invoice

When the Quantity Outstanding is zero for all lines on the PO, the button Create Invoice from PO becomes enabled


Click Create Invoice from PO to create an unsaved invoice




The following data needs to be manually populated





Client Company and Contact - the original client




Customer PO and reference


Unit Price - this is the unit price that was quoted to the client. It should be more than the unit cost Selmans quoted for the job



Finalising the Invoice

Once the above fields have been populated use Complete Invoice

This sets the invoice status to sent

The invoice will be downloaded overnight into the accounts package and emailed to the client for settlement



PO Accounting

Selmans present their sales invoice

Matches Strokeone PO

existing flow



This is distinct from the PO object

Fulfilment could be created once PO marked as sent - with deliver amounts allocated vs expected in on PO

Despatch charges therefore on separate invoice - ?? is this an issue