Adding Pre or Post Check Pic

To add pre or post check images for a delivery on a purchase order, you need to use a camera enabled mobile device such as ipad.


  1. Locate the electronic PO Record
  2. Hit Details >Delivery Tab.
  3. Bearing in mind there can be several deliveries against a PO, click View (1) besides the required delivery and then Add (2) a record in the lower portal.

  4. Click View (1) in the portal to activate the right hand container, then Insert (2) to activate the camera.

  5. Upon uploading you will be prompted whether to classify the upload as Pre or Post Check.

Tip: You can add numerous picture records for both pre and post check !


If you have annotated a hard copy of the expected quantities print out for checking stock, then you can upload an image of this to the record also. Bear in mind that images uploaded are exposed in cport so viewable by clients.