Confidence Counting Decorated Items

There are numerous variables to consider when confidence counting decorated items

The ability to make a determination sensibly depends on experience, training and knowledge of the underlying customer

Here are some key things to think about:-

  1. Customer Instruction
    1. Has the customer set specific instructions with regards to how they want their stock counted
  2. Assessment of the Effort it will require to count stock. This depends on a series of things including
    1. How well (or not) the stock has been packaged up -
    2. How well  (or not) the packaging is labelled
    3. How many differing SKU lines are contained in the delivery
    4. How consolidated the SKU lines are in the packaging - are they organised sensibly or mixed
  3. Assessment of Stock Value
    1. What is the reasonable value of the stock to the client ? - All things being equal, a client is less likely to want to pay for several hours worth of stock counting on items that are very low value - e.g. plastic key rings. However, it is likely very different decision if the items are branded jackets
  1. Knowledge of Customer Preferences
    1. With experience, you may have sufficient knowledge of a customer and their preferences to be able to accurately predict the level of confidence counting they require
    2. If in any doubt - contact the customer to confirm,*


These are some of the basic considerations to consider when determining what is an appropriate confidence counting method to apply to a customer's delivery of decorated items. A golden principle apply here -  If you are not certain what the customer wants, ask your manager or better still if you have a relationship with the customer confirm with them.



Development Note For incoming purchase orders

Introduce a facility to send to the client a communication (email with link - or portal)

The communication would outline the various service options TOT offers (confidence count, full count etc) and provide facility to capture client response and update the corresponding record/ status in TOT's production system automatically.