How to set checked category


Deliveries that are received by TOT are checked. The level and type of checks that are performed will vary according to what the delivery contains, how it is packaged, organised and documented and according to any customer instructions.


Staff record details of the check against the delivery record of the corresponding purchase order




  1. Find the electronic purchase order record and click the details button
  2. Navigate to the Checked Tab (called Check In on ipad layouts)

    Desktop version

    iTouch version

    ipad Version

  3. Ensure the correct delivery record is in focus (remembering that a PO can have multiple delivery records.

  4. Set the following fields

    1. Checked By: Select your name

    2. Check Category -select the entry that matches the checks that were done

    3. Date Checked - select the date the check was performed

  5. If the goods are owned by the client a confirmation email can be sent. This is typically done once the items have been booked in and any handling charges recorded.