Logging into Strokeone on an Ipad


This tutorial will explain how to open Strokeone on an iPad.

Accessing and Logging On

In order to process any work, the user must first access Strokeone.

Strokeone can be accessed using a desktop computer, a laptop an iPad, an iTouch or an iPhone.


Using an Ipad

  1. From the home page of the iPad, select the FileMaker Go icon from the dock.

  2. Once FileMaker Go opens, you will see  the following layout.

  3. If strokeone is not shown, click Hosts, then ensure the strokeone.totshirts.co.uk is highlighted, and you should then see the Strokeone icon in the main pane.

  4. Click the strokeone icon to open the system.

  5. You will be presented with a login prompt, where you need to enter your credentials.

Note: Depending how your device is set up, you may have face or fingerprint recognition, or you may need to enter your details manually.


The Home Page

Upon successful logon, you will be navigated to the Strokeone Ipad home page where you can access various department specific layouts by choosing the corresponding button.


Returning to The Home Page

Most layouts include a home button that will return the user to the Home Page.

In addition,
 in the Strokeone Logo in the header, clicking the 2nd “O” will also navigate you back to the home page