Relocating Partial Amounts of Storage Bay Contents


There are occasions when you will be required to relocate (i.e. move electronically) a partial amounts of the stock balances  of a storage bay to another location.
For example consider a bay contains 50 Qty of SKU 123456 and you want to relocate 30 of the SKU to another location.


  1. Access the stock check layout for the location in question.

  2. Depending on how you accessed the layout, it will either be displaying the contents of the location - or in Find mode.

  3. If find mode - search for and return the required location.

  4. The stock check layout lists the current contents of the bay.

  5. Click to select the line item that you wish to partially relocate and click Move Amount.

  6. You will be prompted to confirm:-

    1. The Qty. of the line item you wish to relocate (this must not be zero or greater than the current location balance.)

    2. The destination location to which you are relocating this defined quantity.

  7. Upon confirmation, the following will occur:-

    1. The quantity specified for the item will be debited from the source location.

    2. Simultaneously credited to the destination location.

  8. Repeat steps 5) onwards if needed on other line items.