Understanding why Available to Pick Status is Blue
Awaiting pick field has two potential statuses
Unavailable : Red
No stock is available to meet any of the pick requirements in any quantity
Part Available : Blue
The pick requirements can be partially satisfied. That is there is not
sufficient stock available to fully satisfy all the pick requirements,
but at least one or more requirements can be partially and/or fully met.
Let's dig deeper into the Partial availability
There are three scenarios that result in partial availability of stock:-
This can be the case when the stock is due from a production run that
has not completed - or alternatively due in on a PO which is not received
/ processed yet.
For example in the below, there are 6 lines of Dominic Fike required for
the fulfilment.
The first line's requirement of 2 items is expected
and therefore cannot be satisfied
until the expected item materialises.
The remaining line items on the fulfilment are available
in the quantities wanted and therefore these requirements can be satisfied
However, due to the expected status of the 1st line -
overall the fulfilment is in a partial
availability status

Where the whole of the production run is required on a despatch but
there have been some rejects in the production run resulting in less produced
than required the available light will show blue.
In reality the full qty of stock is available but the existing requirements
needs to be reduced to match what has been produced - it is just
not logistically feasible to set up the print presses for a handful of
"missing" garments.
To assess for, and correct the status, for these cases:-
- In the Fulfilment List
layout - use the Awaiting Pick
button to show records that require picking but are not available
to pick.
- Identify a Blue status

- Click details and then
Joblines tab to see the requirements
and availability

- Review the available, to be given and allocated fields. You can
see that 36 is allocated for each SKU as well as 36 of each SKU is
needed. However, you can also see that there are not any expected
amounts due, and that there is minus 1 in Available (and Available
+ Expected)
- This gives us a good clue that as there is one shortfall for each
SKU it is likely because the required amount of 36 was allocated prior
to the job completing with the expectation that 36 would be produced.
- Let's check what was produced - so click on Data
Entry Info for SKU button

- This will bring up the job that produced the items. Note that
both production and data entry statuses are complete.

- Click Data to reveal the
details of what was data entered.
Note the total quantity produced for each SKU is 35, and 1 reject per

- We have now proved our assumption that there was a production shortfall
- We can therefore safely reduce the fulfilment requirements to match
what was produced. So back to the fulfilment joblines tab:-
- De-allocate for each

- Reduce the To be Given
figure to match what was produced and allocate

- The position is back in proof - and the available to
pick status can be safely updated to green to denote that the
requirement can be fully picked.

In the event of "overs", this
data entry adjustment can be used to avoid storing the excess items
in the warehouse.
However, before adding overs
in this manner - undertake
checks - he client may deliberately
have requested extras to be produced for
sample purposes.
Bottom line: Do not automatically
adjust for overs until you have checked that it is not deliberate
- Repeat steps 1) to 4) from above.
- When reviewing the numbers, we can see that one size of the ERC
lines is still showing as expected

- Again click Data Entry info for
SKU to further investigate what happened in data entry.
- Note that as before, production is fully complete as is data entry,
so click Data to further investigate

- And here we can see the source of the problem. Data entry has been
completed - but no figures (produced or rejected) have been recorded
for the XL Line

- As belt and braces check, we could confirm with the staff who did
the data entry to confirm the error.
- To remedy the error:-
- Click Managers Only
- Enter the correct number produced and click SKU adjustment

- In the SKU adjustment - correct the position. Expected should
be zero, and as the requirement has been allocated the available
quantity should be set as zero also and click Close

- Note the In Warehouse Locations balance is out of proof also
- as the 30 produced were missed out from the original data entry
process, so were not booked into a location.
- To remedy this, go to the Stock
List layout, find the SKU, and drill down to the
details layout

- Add a new record in the Stock Locations tab - and record the
location of where the 30 ERC T-Shirts are
- The SKU is now fully back in proof

- The fulfilment requirements can now be fully satisfied

- If the Available to Pick light has not updated (it is currently
scripted to update status at 41mins past the hour), you can manually
toggle it to green to indicate the fulfilment is ready for picking.
Important Note
Expected Quantities of an item can come
from multiple jobs / source, Therefore reconciling out of proof data
entry records should be undertaken by experienced staff who are aware
of the consequences of manually adjusting positions.