The item picker is used throughout TOT's internal system. This topic provides high level overview of how it works.
The item picker is accessed via stock line related layouts - by clicking on the + icon
The Item picker header has a series of filters to constrain the list
of items returned in the main pane
(1) Type: such as Blank garments;
printed garments etc
(2) Attribute filters - type, owner, style etc
You can use multiple filter criteria. For example in the below Colour [Black] and Size [X] have been entered. Note how the system provided matches - and how X will return sizes that contain an X (subject to other criteria)
Therefore, the more specific you make the criteria the more exacting
the results will be
Use the Clear Filter button to reset the criteria fields.
To select item(s) use the corresponding Select button (1) - once selected the button label will update to Deselect (clicking it again will toggle it back to de-selected state)
Once you have selected the required item(s), click Use Selected Items (2) and this will apply the items to the layout you accessed the item picker from
The order in which you select
items is the order in which they will be applied
into the origin layout. The industry standard is to list garments
in ascending size order - XS,S,M,L,XL etc.
If the item you are looking for does not exist - you can use New (3) to create the SKU on the fly