Generating Location Barcodes
Every storage location in TOT has a location
identifier. Location identifiers can be encapsulated in a barcode.
Location barcodes can be scanned to support a variety of functionality
- viewing contents, relocating contents etc.
In short - every storage location in TOT should have a location barcode
viewable on the racking to allow scanning.
This topic outlines how to generate and attach the physical location
barcodes for a given location. Whilst this would seem a simple process
there are some special considerations involved when it comes to barcodes
for upper level bays - as they cannot be reached from the ground
- and thus require barcode identifiers on the ground level
For Level 1 and 2 bays
- Open strokeone, and navigate through settings, system
preferences, then production
and finally Location tab
- This lists all locations defined in strokeone.

- Use the warehouse zone, row, and bay filters to find the location
that you are interested in

- Click the applicable size label icon for the required location.
- Select the desired printer.
- The label with barcode is output to the specified printer.

- Attach the label to the corresponding physical rack for the
bay in an easily viewable position.
For Storage Locations in Level 3 and above
- Open strokeone, and navigate through settings, system
preferences, then production
and finally Location (Route Order)
- This lists all locations defined in strokeone
- Use the filters to reduce the displayed location records to those
that match the Zone, Row and Bay for which you are looking to generate
upper labels.

- Select in sequence (i.e.,
3 then 4, then
5) the locations for which you wish to print barcode labels. (Tip:
you can only select a maximum of 3 records)Note,
it is crucial to select
the records in the order
that you wish them to print

- Click (print) High

- Select the label (or appropriate) printer when prompted in the
print dialog
- The barcodes for the selected locations will be printed.
- Attach these to the rack in an easily viewable position. The below
picture shows an example of a 3 location bay label attached.