Identifying Locations to Stock Check



TOT has several thousand storage bays. Best practice is to regularly stock check these to ensure that the electronic records for the location's contents reconcile (are in proof) with the physical items.

Given the volume of storage locations, identifying which to locations to check is crucial

This topic outlines ways of best identifying locations to check


** Revisit this when Terry adds additional search buttons **


Deciding on Locations to Check

Generally speaking, locations that need to be stock checked fall into two broad categories


High Priority Checks

Locations that have been flagged as High Priority Checking Required can be easily identified


Require Checking

Aside from high priority bays, for the remainder of stock locations, the best working practice is to check those:-

and set any bays that are physically empty as checked so that they are excluded from checks until they return to storage


Bearing this in mind, use the following guidance to identify specific locations to check.

  1. Open Location Check layout from ipad Dashboard.

  2. Let's say you want to identify bays in D 5 that may require checking
  3. Click Find 'In Use' Locations in Warehouse Zones

  4. You will be prompted to enter search criteria to locate matching bays.

    1. select a warehouse zone to search within (mandatory)

    2. Optionally select a Row to narrow the search to a specific row.

    3. Find

  5. Location records for the specified zone (and row) that are not empty will be returned ** sorted in last checked order **

  6. Each location record will either
    1. Not have a last checked date
    2. Have a last checked date
  7. Location records with no checked date are by definition unchecked.
  8. For those records with a checked date - you need to make a decision as to whether the last checked date is long enough ago to warrant being re-checked
    ** How long a period this is will depend on your requirements, but should be defined - as it could be built into the search**
  9. If the last checked date is outside tolerance  - clear the date last checked and Checked by fields by  *** Insert function / method **


Excluding Locations that with Last Checked Date

Having followed the above method your foundset will now contain bays that require checking as they have no checked date and those with a checked date recent enough to warrant not being rechecked

You can now click Omit Dated (see above screen grab)  to exclude bays with a checked date to reduce the foundset to locations in D 5 that require checking


Excluding Locations with Checked Flag

Similarly, if you have locations that have been flagged as checked and wish to exclude these from your foundset of locations to check - use Omit Checked button in the layout footer