Updating Bays as Empty or Not Empty

Background & Rationale

TOT follows the random stock keeping  approach. Stock is stored in any location provided there is sufficient space.

In order to efficiently follow the principle, having knowledge of whether storage bays are empty or not is crucial.

Strokeone provides the capability to record a bay's empty status.

Best working practice is to populate this  - especially for ground level bays which have the greatest activity



  1. Select aisle  to assess - either whilst undertaking normal warehouse picking / locating activities, or purposefully.
  2. Check for fully empty bays . If you discover an empty bay - check to see that it is recorded as empty in strokeone

  3. From Ipad dashboard > Location Check

  4. Touch View to activate the camera; and scan the empty location's barcode.

  5. Strokeone will return the location record. Check the Empty indicator :-

     if not checked - check it to reflect the empty status

Note: For future functionality, this location status should be tied to system check. If there are objects [SKU, Job, Fulfilment, PO Delivery]s in a location, then set the field as not empty, else empty This could be scheduled to run frequently for all locations. An alternate is to have this transaction based. If an object [SKU, Job, Fulfilment, PO Delivery] is placed in a location, clear the empty flag; If removed from location, check to see if any other objects associated - if none, mark as empty.