Customer Fulfilment



Despatch Requirements on Job orders

Activity (Initiating Entity) Data Content Essential Notes:-
Notfy that Customer Order has no delivery instructions on Job order (TOT) TOT can process in several ways    
Send notification via email

- contains, Company, Company Contact, category, job description)
Notify via cport

Set Job Order - No Delivery details flag as Requested

Record will appear in customer portal for customer attention in Jobs awaiting delivery details section
Notify via phone N/A  
Client Response - No delivery needed (client) Client can notify in several ways    
Notify via cport

Client updates Job order reference "Mark as done"
Updates the job order in strokeone as - No Delivery details flag: completed
Notify via email or phone
Job Order Ref
Delivery Instructions needed response  - not needed
TOT staff manually update the job order in strokeone as - No Delivery details flag: completed
Client Response - One or more deliveries needed (Client) Client can process via portal
Client creates one or more baskets and delivery records against the job
This creates a fully populated despatch requirement and attaches it to the selected job
This action also sets the To be Given, Required, and allocated qtys for each SKU included in the delivery record
The client can then elect to mark the jobs as Done which will set the  No Delivery details flag: completed
Client can request TOT to create delivery records
For this case client provides TOT with the necessary information to create the despatch requirement - in simple terms - what to send, where and by which date(s)
TOT staff create & populate  the delivery records and allocate the requirements


Despatch Requirements  aginst Inventory

Clients can also create despatch requirements against their inventory stored at TOT's warehouse. These types of orders are known as standalone fulfilments

This is largely identical to the above with the primary exception that the delivery records are not linked/attached to a job order, and that the process is initiated by the client

Activity (Initiating Entity) Data Content Essential Notes:-
Client Wants a standalone delivery services (Client) Client can process via portal
Client creates one or more baskets and delivery records against their inventory in the portal

Upon placing the order, This creates a fully populated despatch requirement

This action also sets the To be Given, Required, and allocated qtys for each SKU included in the delivery record
The record will appear as a despatch requirement for the goods out team to process (pick, pack, charge for and despatch)
Client can request TOT to create delivery records
For this case client provides TOT with the necessary information to create the despatch requirement - in simple terms - what to send, where and by which date(s)

TOT staff manually create a delivery record and populate  the delivery records and allocate the requirements
Again once created it appears as a despatch requirement for the goods out team to process (pick, pack, charge for and despatch)