SKU Detail Design

Current Status

This is shown on the Design tab on the SKU detail layout

This tab is not typically used anymore (re Dawn Feb '24)

Historically, the primary purpose of this tab was to associate the requisite design id's necessary to decorate a Printed item to the corresponding Printed Garment SKU for the Shopify Print on Demand business

For the main wholesale business this association of design to garment is done via production admin staff manually creating / attaching art / tech spec the process lines required to decorate items on the job.

Shopify imports do not pass through the same workflow stage, so in advance of the order import creation / the printed SKU's that will be created as a result of the order need to be set up with comparable artwork records (design files)

However It has largely been superseded by Design Group


Field Type Definition Comments Retain on Stroke 2 Equivalent layout



Adds a new line record into the design tab - in doing so user selects an existing design record, or creates new one

Note: Single SKU can have multiple designs associated

TBC depending on how the association is to be architected. There is definitely a need to be able easily to associate processes required (and artworks) to decorate a SKU

Design Number


The identifier for the design record selected



Design Description


The description taken from the design record





A dropdown selector allowing the user to define the position on the item the design should be applied



Main Design

Check Box

Allows indicating which design record is the main image.

Does this do anything functionally




Free form notes





Removes the design record from the SKU