Managing Coated Stock Levels



As stencils are needed quickly and often at short notice, it is good practice to ensure there is always a surplus of coated screens for each mesh count available.

This topic outlines how to achieve this.



Interrogate the screen control list and organise which frame type/mesh counts need to be coated in order to keep sufficient coated stock. To ensure there is always sufficient ready to coat stock, the “available to coat” number must also be monitored to keep an even flow of frame type/mesh count to meet current requirements and thus organise reclaims and screen purchase orders to prevent shortages.
This information is available in the screen control list.

  1. To access the screen control list, click Screens > Screens Control

  2. This opens  the screen control list which contains information regarding stencil balances

  3. As Screens Required amounts  are calculated periodically, the numeric information in this layout requires a trigger for a  real time requirement calculation.

  4. To do this is click Calc all screens required which runs a script to reconcile the current situation of the actual number of screens required

  5. The script forces the refresh of required quantities:-

  6. Once the script has run, the numbers contained in the Coated Minus Required  column displays the Qty. of SKUs that are surplus to current requirement if all outstanding jobs were made. If it displays a “minus” number, there are not enough of that SKU for the current requirement and you will know this situation required attention.

Because :-

a) screen sets are constantly being made                                                        and
b) new jobs are being raised

- this figure is a “moving target” and its purpose is purely to help identify when frame/mesh count require restocking


To recap

Monitoring of this list will help to identify when individual coated SKUs are running low and thus aid the decision-making process of what to coat, what to place on purchase orders for new/re-stretches and what to look for when organising reclaims.