The Screens Control List provides a central dashboard showing
the status of all screens (by mesh count) in the factory
As well as providing an overview of the current state of TOT's screen inventory,
this layout aids
decision making as to which mesh counts require replenishing when
organizing a “flag for reclaim” or ordering a batch of re-stretches
Within strokeone Screens menu, select Screens Control
Once opened, the layout displays information (by mesh count / sku) about the quantity of screens in each status of their life cycle.
The layout has two main sections
The top section lists all screens (frame with mesh) and their balances.
The bottom section details un-stretched frames. (mesh not present)
Each screen (mesh count / sku) is recorded as a separate line record containing the following information
* This section is undergoing review so content is not verified **
The number of frames (by frame type) available for re-stretching can
be seen below the screen frame split pool sub summary at the bottom of
the screen control list.
The information here contains three quantities
In house total: the total due to be dealt with internally
Collected: the quantity of frames which have been collected and are currently out for re-stretch
Note: these numbers are not currently accurate and their inclusion / functionality is scheduled for review in forthcoming system replacement.
The following example is the life cycle of a screen against one mesh count.
The below screen shot has been filtered down to reflect the life cycle
of a STD 49
For our example we want to order a quantity of 10 new stretched frames of 49 Std.
Choose Select
Choose New PO From Selected
This will open the PO form layout with this selection automatically input.
Enter the Supplier and Contact (example pyramid/ dean smith)
Enter Internal Contact (example Peter Joyce)
Enter the Quantity
Ordered(example 10) and Unit
Cost for the product (example £25)
When the PO arrives the Goods
In department will acknowledge receipt and send the Internal
Contact an email with
a temporary Location of the
stock. The PO status light will update to Yellow.
The SCREEN CONTROL LIST will be undisturbed as no goods have been confirmed
in yet.
Next, a member of staff from the screen room will check the goods received against the PO and book them in. Depending on the Qty received, this may be a partial or full book in
Importantly for the screens control list, the qty booked in will debit the Expected and credit the Available balances
If the full qty ordered is received, the PO status light will update to Green (completed). By contrast if less than qty ordered received, the status will update to Amber.
The following example screenshot shows the receipt of 8 of the
screens ordered against and order of 10
Note how PO line status updates to
Amber; as does the PO status light.
In terms of the Screens Control
list, lets see the effect:-
Note how Expected has debited by the
8 received, whilst Available has been credited by the same.
De greasing the received screens in the next process - but there is
no interaction with the software for this step.
Once de greased & dried, the screens are ready for coating. As each batch of screens are coated, they need to recorded as such on the Screens Control List:-
At any stage during the life cycle of a screen a mesh may become unfit for use. Most of the time this will result in accidental damage and present itself in the form of a SPLIT.
If it is not fit for purpose (i.e. the tension is insufficient or it is stained in a way that will compromise the making of new stencil) it can be deliberately damaged and relocated to the SPLIT POOL ready to be sent out for re-stretch.
SPLITS can happen at a JOB level & a NON JOB level.
Once a Stencil set has been manufactured and electronically accounted for it is considered to be at JOB level.
If any SPLITS occur at this point, they need to be accounted for within the TECH SPEC. This will be covered elsewhere in training
Splits that occur in either the Available (brand new screens or those marked as reclaimed) or Coated statuses are non job related.
These are electronically accounted for in the Screens Control List by using the corresponding Splits from <status> button
The process / accounting is summarised in the first section of this topic - but essentially you specify the quantity of the SKU that has split - and the current status will be debited by that Qty and the corresponding Split pool for that frame size will be credited.
The split pool will debit (by frame type) by any purchase order lines (for the same frame type / mesh count) that are set as Re-stretch. Additionally, the same SKU (frame mesh count) Expected balance will credit as soon as the PO is sent.
Note: It is not possible for the software to handle a purchase order with both re-stretches and new frames for the same mesh count. To work around this limitation, raise 2 PO's - one for restretch and one for new frames