The Smart Relocate function is available in the Ipad Picking layout
It has the following advantages over the traditional picking by location:-
It automatically works out the optimum route to pick requirements
It supports grouping of requirements from differing fulfilments to allow the picking staff to retrieve multiple items in one pass
It calculates and uses the smallest quantity locations so that they are cleared first when satisfying a requirement.
The ipad will prompt you to scan a location - scan the [empty] trolley barcode
The ipad will display the 1st requirement to pick - together
with the its location and required quantity . Refer to the below screenshot
for details:
for example: -
(1) The location you need to visit
(2) The QTY to be picked
(3) The SKU ID and description
(4) The total Qty of the SKU that is recorded as being in location
(5) Enter the QTY that you are picking
(6) Click Move to apply and confirm the QTY you have picked
(7) The SKU Image
a smart relocate under circumstances where you have
- a quantity of a single SKU in your pick location
- a smaller quantity elsewhere
will result in smart relocate a prioritisation of a location of stock
that you have already picked.
1) Do not stop / abort a smart
relocate midway through
2) If you aborted a smart relocate, resume using By Location