Finding Available Empty Locations to Put Away Stock

Background & Rationale

TOT follows the random stock keeping. This means when putting away stock you may need to locate bays that.

 - are empty.

 - are a specific size.

to house the physical items you wish to locate.

This topic outlines how you can easily find storage locations in strokeone to meet your requirements.



  1. From the ipad dashboard select location check to open the corresponding layout.

  2.  At the bottom of the layout - click Find Empty Locations in warehouse zones.

  3. You will be prompted to enter search criteria to locate matching bays.

    1. select a warehouse zone to search within.

    2. Optionally select a Row to narrow the search to a specific row.

    3. Finally, if you have measured your pallet height, enter the value is Bay Height - strokeone will use this is the minimum height to return.

      Once selected click Find.

      For example in the above dialog strokeone will look for empty bays that are in zone D; in Row 14 with a height value equal to or less than 13 (Bear in mind, the tallest bays in strokeone are marked 0, and height value increments as bay height decreases.)

  4. Strokeone will search for (and assuming matches, return a list of) location bays in the selected zone and row and minimum height) that are marked as empty. If you specified a height value, the returned list will include locations that match (or are bigger) than the height specified - sorted by descending height value (i.e. shortest to tallest.)

    Note: The most efficient use of space is to have use the storage space with the value equating the measured value or the nearest lower value.




In order for this functionality to be useful it is dependent on height values recorded for bays.

Please see the corresponding topics to understand how to set up the required information.