Stock Checking

Identification phase


See Identifying Locations Needing High Priority Checks and Identifying Locations to Stock Check

for how to identify locations which require checking


Preparation Phase

Having selected a location or list of locations per above, starting with the first identified location sanity check it as follows

  1. Ipad> All items in a location > Scan the chosen Location barcode

    : Use the All items(picker) to  manually specify a location identifier
  2. Sanity Check the 4 portals-  e.g. if bay contains only stock items then Items portal only s/be populated

  3. If OK click Stock Check (highlighted) in items  to navigate to stock check layout  for the location.
  4.  In Stock Check Layout - click to Sort by location header(1) to add group headers (2).

  5. Decide whether you are going to stock check locally (at bay) or decant stock and check remotely in temp location.
    1. If Locally: click Location Reset Check (2)
    2. If Remotely:
      1. Ensure you have an temporary location barcode
      2. Sanity Check that the temporary location you have barcode for is empty  
      3. Move Foundset > Scan temporary location
      4. Wait until location changes to temp >  Location Reset Check (2)
      5. Physically remove bay contents and bring to your work area.


Reconciliation Phase

  1. Reconcile each Physical SKU & QTY to Electronic Location Balance (circled)

  2. Confidence Count as required / state of sealed cartons.
  3. For each SKU/Qty check, there are five likely outcomes:-



    Exact Match


    Physical stock greater than record

    Details> Increase(Set) Location Balance to physical ; Set available to new balance if now out of proof.

    Physical stock lower than record

    Details> Decrease(Set) Location Balance to physical ; Set available to new balance if  if now out of proof.

    Physical item not there

    Details> Set Location Balance to zero ; Adjust available Qty  to keep in proof.

    Physical item in bay but no electronic  record

    If the SKU is conditionally formatted Red
    This means it has  electronically been picked as "bin stock", so can be safely ignored for stock checking purposes and should be physically disposed of.

    If the SKU is not conditionally formatted
    Relocate Unexpected SKU > Scan SKU barcode (or Find in picker) - specify the QTY and location > Adjust Available Qty to keep in proof.


  1. After processing each SKU per above, set its stock check status line Red > Amber

  2. Check Location Value: Box Method Charge(s) and per box values present.

    If any values here are missing - inform your supervisor or manager so they can arrange the missing values to get populated.

  3. For each SKU, ensure images exist - Take and Upload images if any missing.

  4. Where possible / practical, condense, consolidate by artist/category, re-box and relabel.


Sign off / Relocate Phase


If stock check was done remotely

  1. Locate an appropriate physical storage space to put away reconciled stock
  2. If the chosen put away location contains items - sanity check  the box end labels vs. electronic records match.
    (optimum working practice would be to stock check the items in the chosen location)
  3. Use Move foundset   to move records from temporary location to bone fide chosen put away location.
  4. Click Finish Location Check button. - Sets Checked Date and Checked By


if stock check was done locally
The SKU's will still be electronically located in the bay

  1.  Click Finish Location Check button. - Sets Checked Date and Checked By