Replenishing Regularly Moving Stock
TOT uses random stock holding methodology
- meaning items can be held in several locations,
The advantage of this method is that it provides highly
efficient space utilisation.
However, there are challenges with random stock location - the
principal one being that multiple storage
locations may need to be visited to satisfy picking requirements
for a single item.
These challenges can be met whilst maintaining space efficiency by adopting
the following method :
Keep a working inventory quantity
of regularly used stock
items on shelves
Store the bulk
remainder quantities of the
items in standard
stock locations - thus freeing up shelf storage.
Replenish the working inventory of regular used
stock on the shelves from
the storage locations as and when
Method to Establish Working Inventory
- For regularly moving (i.e. required) stock items identify a working
inventory quantity. A good rule of thumb to establish this quantity
would be to look at the order requirements over a period of time and
calculate a reasonable average daily requirement. You can then
evaluate the shelf storage capacity, the size of the item in question
and establish what is a sensible number of days requirement to store
on the shelves.
- The remainder should be stored in standard storage locations.
- It is essential that the quantities of each item and the locations
that they are in are correctly electronically recorded.
Replenishing from Bulk Stock
- When the working inventory balance on the shelf is exhausted or
very near exhaustion a "replenishing quantity" should be
relocated from the standard storage (locations) to the shelf.
- The replenishing quantity needs to be physically and electronically
- You can use the relocate some
functionality in the stock check
layout to move the replenishing quantity from the standard
storage location to the shelf:-
- Open the stock checking layout and find/retrieve the storage
location record for the location which contains the wanted
- Highlight the SKU and Relocate the Replenishing quantity
as outlined in the Relocating
Partial Amounts of Storage Bay Content