Processing Items Received on Orders


When deliveries are received for orders placed by TOT internal departments (other than for blank stock), the Goods in department does not process the corresponding order.
Instead they cross reference the delivery and sent notification to the ordering department to collect and process the items
This topic outlines how the internal departments should process the order to completion.



  1. The notification from Goods In should include the storage location address into which the received items have been located.
  2. Visit the location and physically collect the items.
  3. Open strokeone and find the corresponding purchase order record.
  4. Navigating to the Purchase order lines tab:-
    1. Review the received items versus what was ordered - ensuring that the correct items have been delivered
    2. Ensure that the price recorded against the ordered items matches the prices that the supplier has quoted.

Any discrepancies should be reported immediately to the supplier and resolved - do not leave this for others to pick up.


  1. For each stock line item received - book in the quantity received

    1. If Qty received equals  Quantity Outstanding use the Book In All button (1)

    2. If  Qty received  is less than Quantity Outstanding, use Part Book in (2)

      and specify the quantity received and click OK

  2. In either case above, if the items received are physical goods you will be prompted to record the local location that you are going to store the items in.

  3. The PO record updates:-

    1. Qty Outstanding is debited and Qty received is credited by the amount you recorded as received.

    2. Warehouse Location balance is credited by Qty received.

    3. The Status of the line item on the Purchase Order updates.( Green if fully delivered; amber if partially delivered)

    4. The Status of the Purchase Order updates.  (Green if all items fully delivered; amber if one or more not fully delivered)