Relocating a Bay Contents

Background & Rationale

There will be scenarios where the most efficient method to pick the requirements for a fulfilment is to relocate the bay contents.

Such scenarios include:-

  1. When the entirety of the bay contents are required for a pick.

  2. When the overwhelming majority of the bay contents are required (i.e. any items not required can be omitted from the relocate.)

  3. When stock-checking and you want to relocate the bay contents to a separate working area to undertake the stock check.

How to relocate Bay Contents

Things you need

  1. A  temporary location barcode which contains no records.
  2. Pallet pump truck.
  3. Ipad.



  1. Visit the physical location.
  2. With the ipad > dashboard > Stock Check > Device Camera > View > Scan the location barcode.
  3. The ipad will list the contents of the location.
  4. If you are moving a subset of the location - Use the Select button (1)  beside each item that you want to relocate and then click (2) Show Selected

    To limit the foundset to those you specified as selected.

    Alternatively, you can use the Omit button to reduce the record-set to those you wish to action.
  5. Click Move Foundset (3) to relocate the displayed items .
  6. You will be prompted to scan the destination location. Scan the temporary location barcode laminate.
  7. The items will be electronically relocated from the bay location to the temporary location. (Caution - see end note)
  8. With your pallet pump truck physically remove the bay contents.
  9. If you elected to move a sub-set of the bay contents - physically remove the corresponding boxes that will not move from the pallet.
  10. These will still be electronically located in the bay. Decide what is the most appropriate action for these
    1. If appropriate, retain them in the existing location.
    2. Alternatively, it might be more appropriate to place into another location to use space more efficiently. In this case - repeat steps 2) to 5) to select the remaining contents of the bay and relocate to the chosen new location.
  11. You can now physically move the pallet pump truck back to your workspace, to
    1. finalise the first pick administration- as per Picking for Fulfilments
    2. perform a full stock check



Caution Note

Be aware of the following behaviour:-

When select is used - the population of records "selected" is not automatically de-selected when you exit the layout, or navigate away. It is therefore easy to have a series of records still selected without being aware of it.

For example, if a user creates a "new" list of selected items in a found set, and then actions "Show selected", the records shown will be those just selected and any records that were selected previously. It is therefore very easy to relocate more records than you think you are unless you check.


1) When you are done with selected records  - de-select them.

2) When relocating selected records double check the population that get moved to ensure it matches your expectations.