You are working on the final production process
There is a single fulfilment associated to the job
Item |
Details |
Gather Boxes |
Looking at the process line and the To Be Given figure, you can get a reasonable idea of how many boxes will be needed to box the run. You should gather these in preparation |
Get Complete Location Barcode |
You’ll need a “complete_#” location barcode - e.g. |
Ipad |
You will need this for barcode scanning |
Marker Pen |
You’ll be using a marker pen to annotate a unique number on each box you use. |
Fulfilment Picking sheet |
You will need this to record which items you place in each box. See below for how to output this. |
1. Click on the fulfilment number (which should be 1) on the right of the process line in the production layout
2. This will open a pop-up window showing the associated FuflilmentFulfilment - click Picking Sheet
3. This will output a picking sheet for the Fulfilment
familiarise yourself with the content
(1) Fulfilment number; the method and description
(2) The SKU’s needed on the fulfilment
(3) The QTY Needed for each SKU (To be Given)
(4) Grid to annotate with Box Numbers and Qty of SKU’s
4. Do not close the Fulfilment View Window – you will need it for later processes
Note that there is a delivery notes status flag against the record. If this is red - it means that there is additional information recorded for the delivery that needs to be acted upon. This could be instructions to use a specific type of box for example.
To see the actual note information - click Details (1) on the fulfilment and then navigate to the Delivery Notes(2)tab
Review the notes and if applicable, act upon the contents at this stage.
If the delivery notes were applicable and you have acknowledged / acted upon them at this stage - set the status as complete
For example, if the notes stated use new boxes to pack items for despatch, and you are using new boxes - you can safely toggle the status to complete (green) to confirm the necessary action has been undertaken
To update the status click on the field to toggle Red > Amber >Green
As the garments are completed, fold and place in a box. Best practice is to group garments by size, colour, and design and box according to the to be given qty’s wherever possible. Keep a count of QTY and size of garments you are placing in a box and annotate the picking sheet with what you have placed in each box.
Additionally, physically write the box number on each box so that you are cross referencing the box numbers recorded on the picking sheet.
In most cases the fulfilment will be for the whole quantity produced, but as you’ll see we will deal with any surplus at the end.
Continue boxing up until all the garments are boxed and the picking sheet fully annotated.
You should now have a series of numbered boxes with garments in each, and a picking sheet that records what quantity of each item you have packed into each box number.
Recording That 1st Pick Done
Once you have completed placing the items into boxes – record that you have completed this stage by selecting your name in the Picked By drop down:-
Data entry is performed as per normal – that is you record the quantities successfully processed as well as the quantities of each garment size that have been successfully produced as well as any scraps. You can use the picking sheet as a cross check against the quantities successfully produced.
Exercise care when doing the data entry to ensure the numbers are in proof – committing the produced numbers should in most cases result in a zero or positive available balance – refer to senior staff if you are unsure.
Crucially when you come to commit the data entry – whether it is full or partial you will be asked where to book the stock into a location – and here you select the “Complete” location that is attached to the pallet/trolley.
Tip: If you do the data entry via ipad layouts you can select the barcode icon in the location picker
and use the camera to scan the complete location barcode that you have selected.
Let’s take a moment to understand where we are in the process – the job has completed; the stock has been physically boxed and data entry’d into the complete location (so is accounted for at a SKU and stock location level) – but critically we know there is a fulfilment on the job that requires some or all of the stock that has been produced – so we need to process that.
The first task is to ensure that the available to pick status is set correctly.
Ideally it should be Green - in which case, proceed to step 5
If the status light is red - run the available to pick script.
If the light is blue - investigate as follows:-
Click the details button to access the Job Lines tab for the fulfilment
For each SKU scan the following fields.
Provided that there is not a negative balance in Available + Expected AND required and allocated are equal, then the SKU is available to pick.
Assuming this is the case for all SKU’s in JobLines (i.e., all the stock needed on the fulfilment) then the fulfilment is fully ready to Pick
To update the available to pick status, use the close button to navigate back to the fulfilment view and toggle the available to pick status until it goes Green
In the Fulfilment View window – record your name in the Packed By drop down window
Note that now the 1st Picked status light updates to Green to indicate that the items required for the fulfilment are ready for assembling/packing
7. Now, you can pick for fulfilment – to do so click Pick by location in the Job Lines tab
8. You should see a listing of the SKU’s needed in location complete_n (the location that the items were booked into during data entry)
9. Use the Pick buttons and specify the qty you are picking for the fulfilment.
10. As you are doing this keep in mind the In Location balance for the complete location
if this is greater than the number to be given/picked, then it means that there will be a surplus of stock after the fulfilment is picked that will need to be booked into stock.
If the location balance is less than the amount required on the fulfilment, it is likely that there have been rejects in the production run with less items being successfully produced than are required. In this scenario, the fulfilment requirement needs to be lowered to match the quantity successfully produced.
See Understanding why Available to Pick Status is Blue for further details.
11. Continue until all the items needed for the fulfilment have been picked.
Checking for Residual balance
Whilst in the picklist form, when you have completed all the picks for the fulfilment you can check to see if there is any residual balance by clicking on the Stock Check button.
This will call up the contents of the location (Complete 1 in this example) When you mark a quantity of a SKU as picked, it debits the SKU/Qty from the location. If you have fully picked all the requirements for the fulfilment and there are still balances showing for the location - it means that you have surplus – we’ll deal with that later.
Navigate to the Fulfilment Labels Tab
On the left-hand pane is the list of SKUs and Qty’s needed for the fulfilment. To generate the box end labels, use the Add to Label button to move an item into the right-hand pane, where you enter the QTY and box number that contains the physical garments – refer to your annotated picking sheet for this.
Important: Ensure you cross reference here to your picking sheet to adjust for any residual amounts.
For example, if you have marked up that you packed fifty of a SKU in a box, and the to be Given Qty for the SKU is 40 - it means the 10 residual difference is to be booked into stock.
So – physically remove the ten residual stock from the corresponding box and place to one side – and ensure that the box end labels you create match the QTY’s required on the fulfilment – this is a crucial check.
Carry on generating the box end labels until you have captured the qty’s needed on the fulfilment and which boxes they are in. Once you have done this – click ^ Print Label to generate box end labels for the fulfilment
Note: Yours will contain a fulfilment barcode!
Attach the box end labels to the physical boxes.
Note: standardise the position for attaching the labels also note that if second hand boxes are being used remove or obscure any redundant information contained on the side of each box.
As the fulfilment has now been picked and assembled, you can create a delivery note also – this is done in the same Fulfilment Labels tab > Print Options > then select the required delivery note
Now that the fulfilment is boxed and labelled it is time to physically locate to the despatch area and update strokeone records to reflect that.
1. Locate an appropriate physical location (or locations) with sufficient space.
2. Physically, move the boxed up fulfilment to that area.
a. Note: if you have surplus, ensure you have them in separate boxes
3. From the ipad dashboard, select the Picking icon.
4. Within the picking layout select the Find Fulfilment icon
5. This will activate the camera on your ipad - scan the fulfilment barcode on one of the box end labels.
6. This will select the fulfilment you have and request you scan a destination location – scan the location barcode of where you are placing it.
7. The fulfilment will be electronically recorded as in that location:
8. If the fulfilment spans across several locations – you can repeat steps 4) to 6) but for the destination location scan the subsequent location, you are physically placing the fulfilment in.
Notifying as ready
Note: For jobs that are one to one despatches; or are going straight to stock – no picking charges apply
If the fulfilment is fully picked and any pick charges recorded – it is ready to despatch, so you can use the Finish button to mark it as ready.
The finish button creates the PDF delivery notices for the fulfilment and posts these to cport so clients have access to the information.
In the previous steps if you had a surplus item, you will have kept them to one side. They will still be in the Complete location (remember, when you picked for the fulfilment, the SKU’s and Qty’s were debited from location Complete, so Qty’s/Sku’s not required (and thus not required) will still be in the location)
Knowing this, we can pull up the contents of location complete.
1. On your ipad select Stock Check Location Check in dashboard
2. This will open stock check tlayout.
3. Select View in Device Camera at the bottom of the layout
4. This will activate the camera – scan the location barcode for complete_n.
5. This will list the locations current contents – by definition what was not needed for the fulfilment.
6. You can now create the box end barcode labels for the residual stock.
7. Select for each required SKU (1) and then New Box End label from Selection (2) to bring those SKU records into the lower pane
8. Update the Qty per box as needed (3) and then Print the labels (4)
9. Attach the labels to the physical boxes – and identify the physical warehouse location that you will locate these.
10. You then use this layout to Move Found set of items > scan the barcode of the location you are going to place them in to complete.