Boxing Up on Final Production Process: Single Fulfilment Sequence

Determine that the process is the final one and that a single despatch requirement (Fulfilments field)

  1. Get boxes, marker pen, Complete Location barcode, ipad
  2. Click Fulfilment digit in Production Layout.
  3. Print out Picking Sheet
  4. Box up items
    1. Fold and place in a box.
    2. Group garments by size, colour, and design and box these together wherever possible.
  5. Keep Count of QTY & Size of garments per box on picking sheet
  6. Annotate boxes with Box Number
  7. Record name in Picked By /  set Packed By as TBA to set 1st Pick Status
  8.  Do Data Entry as normal > Book into the Complete location barcode
  9. Populate the name of who will administer in Packed By
  10. Check/Ensure Available to Pick status correct (set if [available + expected not -ve] and [Required and Allocated are equal]
    See  Understanding why Available to Pick Status is Blue for details
  11. Pick for fulfilment by location (will be the complete location)
  12. Check for residual balances (stock check)  - if there is deal with later per Dealing with Residual Stock
  13. Fulfilment Labels > Generate Box end labels
  14. Print Labels.
  15. Attach Labels to boxes
  16. Create Delivery Notes
  17. Move Fulfilment to physical location
  18. Electronically move fulfilment to physical location (ipad picking > Find Fulfilment > scan box end label & location barcode)
  19. Finish: Notify as Ready (Finish button)



Dealing with residual Stock

  1. Deal with any residual stock
    1. Will still be in complete location
    2. ipad Stock Location Check > View > scan complete location barcode
    3. Create Box end labels
    4. Print and attach to boxes
    5. Identify a warehouse location
    6. Physically move boxes to warehouse location
    7. Electronically Move Foundset of Items > Scan physical location barcode)