Ordering New Screens


This task outlines how to order new screens.  At the end of this task you should understand how to perform this activity correctly and confidently.


Raising a Screen Purchase Order

Screen SKU

The SKU that identifies a unique Screen is made up from a combination two elements:-

so, SKU = Frame Type +  Mesh

As the screens have attributes that are specific to them, they have their own unique Stock List to aid with their management. called the Screen Control List. - see that topic for further details.



Raising a Screen Purchase Order from within Screen Control List

Tip: When there is a requirement to place an order for new SCREENS, (either NEW or RESTRETCHES) it is more efficient to pre-select the required SKUs from Screen Contol List and then generate the order from within it, rather than create the order 1st and attach the required SKUs to it.


  1. Select the SKUs to order via the Select button at the end of each line. (it will toggle to read Deselect)

  2. Once your required items are selected, click New PO from Selection at the bottom left of the layout

  3. This will open the PO form layout with your selection automatically recorded in the PO lines section

    1. Enter the Supplier and Contact (example pyramid/ dean smith)

    2. Enter Internal Contact

    3. Internal Department: Stencil

    4. PO Type: Blank Screen

    5. In the PO Lines section, ensure you select New in the Type field

    6. Ordered Qty: the quantity you are ordering

    7. Unit Cost: the supplier's cost for 1 of the SKU

  4. Once completed, check the details and once happy, click Email Order to Supplier  in top right of the layout (highlighted in yellow in above screen grab)

  5. This creates a PDF for the order, opens your email application, creates a new message and inserts the PDF into this message. You can then send this to the supplier

  6.  Once the email has been created, the PO status will update to Sent

  7. The ordered screens will credit the corresponding SKU expect balance in the Screens Control List

  8. The next part of the process will be dealt with by the goods in department, who will notify the specified internal contact when the screens arrive - you can then Check the Received screens